Goldie Hawn’s children mourned the loss of their biological father Kurt Russell, who became a “Strict” yet “Devoted” Father

Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson, who were married at the time, became the parents of young Kate and Oliver Hudson. In 1982, Hawn and Hudson decided to...

Goldie Hawn and Bill Hudson, who were married at the time, became the parents of young Kate and Oliver Hudson.

In 1982, Hawn and Hudson decided to end their relationship a year before Hawn first met Russell.

Boston Russell was born to Kurt Russell and his then-wife, Season Hubley. After being together for a while, Hawn and Russell decided to have a child. In 1986, Hawn and Russell welcomed their first child, a boy named Wyatt Russell.

Since Hawn and Russell began their relationship, the blended family has embraced each other in their lives, and the couple’s home has come together almost seamlessly. However, their father’s absence defined Oliver and Kate’s lives and put a strain on Russell, who took over.

While it can be difficult to adapt to a whole new home dynamic, Kate remembers the moment she realized that Russell could be a part of her life forever. “The question that immediately came to my mind was: ‘Will he be my dad? Brother?’ At such a young age, that was too much for me to absorb and take on.”

Regardless, Oliver understood his stepfather as soon as he finally accepted the reality of their relationship. Based on the fact that she and Oliver were unable to speak to their biological father, Russell emerged as a significant presence in their lives.

“Pretty strict” but “devoted”: that’s how Kurt Russell describes himself. Kate remembers how influential Russell, who served as Oliver and Kate’s father at one point in their lives, was in their growth. She has previously mentioned that Hawn is a “very relaxed” mom, but Russell was “pretty strict”. Later, the actress stated that she used a similar approach to raising her three children, now 18-year-old Ryder, 10-year-old Bingham, and 3-year-old Rani. She joked that she was “actually tougher than Oliver Hudson.”

Russell’s parenting style wasn’t without its consequences, however. Oliver ended up serving time in jail at the age of 16 as a result of Russell’s domineering character. Oliver got into trouble when he was younger and was ɑrrested as a direct result. He talked about this incident during his appearance on “Live With Kelly and Ryan.”

Oliver said that after the ɑrrest, police officers asked who his father was to reach him and report his son’s ɑrrest. Officers failed to take into account Kurt Russell’s statement that he was his biological father when he did so. “Immediately they started arguing over who would take command while making the choice. It’s out of control.”

Kelly Ripa, who runs the show, asked whether Russell was aware of the problem, and Oliver confirmed that he was but did not want to punish him. Oliver said he knew teenagers were prone to silly mistakes because Russell had made them at that age, but he said, “Let’s just say you’re not a happy father or mother.” After Oliver was picked up from the police station, Russell briefed him on the consequences of his actions. Oliver recalls Russell instructing him to take the paintball gun that led to his ɑrrest and use it to shoot his car down.

Despite being a strict father, Russell has maintained a loving relationship with each of his children, and Kate often shared on social media how much she loved her stepdad. In June 2022, she paid tribute to Russell on Father’s Day with an Instagram post featuring a photo of her and Russell embracing, with Russell putting his hand on Kate’s head. Kate and Russell’s love for each