I’ve decided to post my daughter’s last moments on Facebook, and here’s why.

Zoey was just three years old when her illness was detected. Like most children, she was full of life and activity until she became sick. She had a secure and happy childhood.She radiated warmth, humo

Zoey was just three years old when her illness was detected. Like most children, she was full of life and activity until she became sick.

She had a secure and happy childhood.She radiated warmth, humour, and happiness. One day, while playing, Zoey fell. The use of both her hands ceased a few weeks later.
Zoey’s parents rushed her to the emergency room as soon as they suspected anything was amiss.


They heard something there that would make an indelible mark on their minds and hearts. The doctor broke the news that their precious baby daughter, who was full of life and love, had DIPG, a rare and serious brain tumour.

“We were at a loss as to what to do or where to go. “It’s pretty much a death sentence,” Casey, the mother, said.

A terrible tragedy and nightmare would befall the family, the likes of which no one would desire on their worst enemy.

But they kept their cool and tried to be strong for Zoey’s sake. Over the next two years, Zoey would endure a number of cancer therapies.

In Germany, the family found a radiation treatment centre where Zoey thrived. However, she finally stopped responding.

Her symptoms worsened rapidly. The unfolding of events was beyond comprehension. Zoey died peacefully on Independence Day, 2018, at her home in the United States.

Despite the evident terribleness of their imminent loss, her parents quickly realised that they may have some unique final moments together.

Even in death, Zoey continued to impart happiness to all around her. Her parents begged her relatives and friends to come meet her before it was too late.

Her mother has now made the courageous decision to post their last family photo on Facebook.

“I shared it because even though it’s a painful moment, it’s a beautiful moment in our eyes,” Casey said.

The parents are seen cradling their beautiful daughter. They sat down on the sofa with the dog that belonged to the household. They had spent the whole day singing Disney tunes.

A Harry Potter film played on TV. And then, without a trace, Zoey disappeared into the calm and serenity. Zoey’s heart gave out at the movie’s midway point.

A small number of families were sharing their experiences, and at first I didn’t believe I was going to be one of them.But then I thought, “I need a picture like that.” I want those times to be recorded so that I can recall them even when my brain dies,” she said.

In the years leading up to her death, Zoey brought a lot of positivity and light into the world, and her family wishes to share it with the world on the Facebook page Zoey’s Light. They hope that through living out a typical day with Zoey, they might show others how to love one another more truly and genuinely.

Casey and Ben, you two have been the finest parents in the history of ever. My prayers are endless. To all of us, Zoey is now a guardian angel.

Have a peaceful rest, my Zoey.