Big news in the search for the Titanic submarine: sounds are being reported every 30 minutes.

The Titan submarine, which disappeared on Sunday while trying to examine the Titanic disaster, has the whole globe waiting breathlessly for news of its whereabouts. Reports indicate that the crew’s

The Titan submarine, which disappeared on Sunday while trying to examine the Titanic disaster, has the whole globe waiting breathlessly for news of its whereabouts.

Reports indicate that the crew’s oxygen supply will be depleted today (June 22), despite all efforts to locate the ship before it is too late.

There has been no word from the submersible since it lost contact 1 hour and 45 minutes into its dive, despite the fact that aircraft are conducting aerial searches and underwater vehicles are scouring the ocean floor.

Some have estimated that the search area is twice the size of Connecticut. One team helping in the search has heard banging every 30 minutes around where the submersible disappeared, so there is still hope.

According to a leaked email from the Department of Homeland Security, “RCC Halifax launched a P8, Poseidon, which has underwater detection capabilities from the air,” the magazine reports.

A contact near the distress location was reported by the P8’s sonobuoys. The P8 reported hearing loud hammering noises around every 30 minutes.

Even after deploying more sonar and waiting four hours, the noise continued. Now, we must clarify that it is still unknown whether or not the pounding is coming from the five crew members who are stuck on Titan.

Nonetheless, a second CNN email seemed to add fuel to the flames of hope. Additional acoustic feedback was received, which will help with vectoring surface assets and signal that survival hopes are still high, according to the email.

The U.S. Coast Guard estimates that the submersible will run out of oxygen at 7 a.m. ET on Thursday morning.

Every passing minute is crucial in terms of defeating the odds, since it is anticipated that the return journey to the surface may take as long as eight hours.

According to reports, Hamish Harding, Stockton Rush, Paul-Henry Nargeolet, Shahzada Dawood, and his son Sulaiman were all aboard the submersible.

In a statement, Ocean Gate, the firm that brought passengers to the Titanic ruin, stated, “Our entire focus