Students Build Wheelchair-Stroller For Dad With Disability To Take Son On Walks

It can be enjoyable and beneficial for parents to get to spend time with their kids. Many parents choose a hands-on approach with their young children because they believe that more time spent with your child leads to a stronger bond. While taking newborns on daily strolls is typical to assist them obtain fresh air and give the parents a chance to unwind in the great outdoors, pushing a stroller is not always a simple task for everyone.

Disability-affected father Jeremy King and his wife had been looking for ways that he could push their infant in a stroller that connected to his wheelchair, but their search had come up empty. His wife, Chelsie King, a middle school teacher at Bullis School in Potomac, Maryland, enlisted the aid of some of her most intelligent pupils to help the couple come up with a solution to their issue.

The students were the ideal group to build something for the King family because they were members of a club that aimed to develop inventions that improved people’s lives. They worked on creating a system that would allow individuals using wheelchairs to drive a baby stroller, and eventually they combined some of their ideas to produce a functional prototype. What began as a kind deed to assist their teacher’s family evolved into a product that has earned awards for its outstanding work in aiding several other people with impairments.

According to NBC 4, Jeremy underwent brain surgery three years prior, leaving him with a host of physical issues, including speech and balance issues that required the use of a wheelchair. When the Kings learned they were expecting, they looked for something that would let Jeremy carry their child but were unsuccessful. Chelsie stated, “We really simply wanted a means to go on family walks and for him to be able to do everything that a parent without physical disability does.

The Kings were created by a class that Matt Zigler, the director of the school’s Innovation and Technology Lab, taught. His class created products for social good. The class was divided into teams, and each team came up with different concepts before finally combining them to produce the winning design. According to NBC 4, they created the WheeStroll, a wheelchair stroller modification tool that enables a car seat to be fitted to a wheelchair. Jeremy was able to stroll with his son because to this.

“Using it was overwhelming because I never thought I would be able to do something like this with our son,” Jeremytold Good Morning America. “Most people can go out on a walk with their family but that is really difficult for me — most people take that for granted.”

The King family’s life were undoubtedly impacted by the invention, but many other people have also come to appreciate the students’ dedication. According to NBC 4, the high school students who came up with the WheeStroll innovation went on to win two international honors.