‘Jeopardy!’ Infuriated viewers watch as the last three contenders struggle to answer a question about prayer.

The fastest and brightest trivia champions answer riddles that stun most home viewers on Jeopardy!, television’s most popular quiz programme. One recent programme shocked several Christian fans when

The fastest and brightest trivia champions answer riddles that stun most home viewers on Jeopardy!, television’s most popular quiz programme.

One recent programme shocked several Christian fans when all three contestants missed an apparently simple hint concerning the Lord’s Prayer.


On the programme aired on June 13, presenter Mayim Bialik read a $200 clue in the category “Dad adjectives,” which is the lowest sum on the board and usually the simplest. Our Father Which Art In Heaven, This Be Thy Name, is found in Matthew 6:9.

As everyone who has said the Lord’s Prayer since their Sunday School days will attest, “hallowed” (or “what is hallowed,” per Jeopardy! regulations) is the correct response.

The game show Jeopardy! answers to confound the candidates, even apparently simple ones, but the fact that none recognised one of the most often said prayers in Christianity appears to have struck a chord among the devout.

“Last night on Jeopardy, not a single player knew the answer to this…”One Twitter user asked, “Are you waking up yet?”

Knowing the Lord’s Prayer in school was the equivalent of learning the Pledge of Allegiance. “You just did it,” reads one tweet.

“While it may not be a sign of the end times, it DEFINITELY speaks volumes about Americans and their faith…or lack thereof,” another user said.

Others were just startled that they had overlooked such an obvious indication. Some viewers saw this as a sign of waning trust in the United States.

“I’m an atheist and even I knew the answer to that Lord’s prayer question,” tweeted one person.

The solution to this Jeopardy! question was known to my 4-year-old niece. Could it be that some of the participants have never heard of The Lord’s Prayer? someone else penned.


People on Jeopardy! Do geeks not know this? I mean, come on, have they never heard of Iron Maiden? Another user made a light of things by quoting Iron Maiden’s “Hallowed Be Thy Name.”

Some viewers were taken aback by the fact that no one in the competition could answer such an apparently simple question, while others were more sympathetic.

Two of the competitors had negative scores and were probably trying to avoid going any farther into the red by playing it cautious.

It’s also worth mentioning that competitors on Jeopardy! often answer answers that would leave even ardent Christians scratching their heads.


Christian questions fall into such a broad spectrum that some critics have complained the programme asks too many of them.

And it’s also likely that these three players did not grow up with the same Christian upbringing that many viewers had, since Jeopardy! invites contestants from many walks of life and beliefs.

The participants were baffled on the Lord’s Prayer, but they performed better with the ’70s films, as seen by the Final Jeopardy response, “He starred in the 2 films whose soundtracks were the top 2 bestselling albums of 1978.”

This is the right answer, right? This calls for a John Travolta! (Saturday Night Fever and Grease provided the soundtracks). Suresh Krishnan, a competitor, won the match, giving him six consecutive victories.

I was wondering what you thought of these Jeopardy! entrants who aren’t familiar with the Lord’s Prayer. Comment on what you think happened here!