“Before I spent over $30,000 on a new face, I was ugly. Now I hardly recognise myself.”

Mia Dio, a lady who has spoken publicly about spending over $30,000 on cosmetic face surgery to fix what she sees as her “ugliness,” is now dealing with unintended repercussions. To alleviate the

Mia Dio, a lady who has spoken publicly about spending over $30,000 on cosmetic face surgery to fix what she sees as her “ugliness,” is now dealing with unintended repercussions.

To alleviate the stress that society’s beauty standards may place on a person, some will go to extremes to change their appearance.


Recently, a lady who felt ugly admitted that she had spent more than $30,000 on cosmetic procedures to change her appearance.

Mia Dio admits that she no longer recognises herself in the mirror since her face no longer moves naturally.

Mia Dio, who has a devoted following of 78,000 followers, disclosed freely with them in a YouTube video that gained 819,000 views the extensive list of cosmetic procedures she has done.

At the outset of the video, Dio boldly declared her apathy for her detractors, stressing that their views will have no effect on her future actions.

I don’t care what you think of me, so don’t pass judgement. “Because if this video is any indication, I am my own worst critic,” she remarked. “In this life, you cannot judge me more harshly than I have judged myself.”

When asked to describe her change, Mia Dio uses the analogy of going from feeling “botched” to embodying the idealised image of Barbie to describe her experience.

Dio said in her YouTube video that she started experimenting with cosmetic procedures at a young age. She made her first cosmetic enhancement at 16 by obtaining lip filler. She used a forgery to prove her age and have the surgery done.

Mia Dio’s obsession with obtaining lip injections began when she had her first one. She persisted with further procedures until her lips looked like those of a Bratz doll.

Mia first went with the least expensive choice when it came to lip fillers. Her lips grew lumpy, stiff, and unnaturally large, making her seem unnatural.

Even though her friends and family urged her to take it easy, Mia still felt like she needed bigger lips. She diagnosed herself with “lip-filler dysmorphia,” the persistent perception that one’s lips are too small, and spent years trying to correct the problem.


Mia’s present lip look is the consequence of her decision to have some lip filler dissolved when she was 19 years old.

After about a year and a half of using cosmetics to smooth them out, the dissolving process left her lips uneven, so she sought more treatment to obtain a balanced appearance.

Mia’s first cosmetic enhancement of choice was lip fillers. She had previously just augmented her lips with cosmetics, but after high school she had saved enough money to spend $5,000 for a nose job.

She had a nose operation and was quite pleased with the outcome, saying, “The result looks so much like my natural nose, just a little bit more angular, which basically just snatched my face up.”

Mia decided to wait a time before undergoing any more cosmetic treatments after her rhinoplasty. Nonetheless, she began to have Botox injections at some point.


These days, “baby Botox” is a common therapy for Mia’s forehead. According to the Cosmetic Skin Clinic, normal Botox is used to treat already established creases and lines, whereas Baby Botox is designed to prevent their appearance in the first place.

Dio says she makes hilarious looks for the camera and that her face is very expressive. When she started getting frown lines on her forehead.

She decided to have Botox injections. Unexpectedly, she also saw that Botox had raised the appearance of her eyebrows.

Dio also began looking into a treatment known as the “fox eyelift.” Threads are inserted beneath the skin and then pulled upward to provide a raised look.

Similar to a ponytail facelift. Dio hoped to seem younger and more refreshed by trying out this method of “lifting” the skin around the eyes.

While it was exciting to try out, the effects didn’t last very long. Dio said, “At most, the effects will last for three months.” “The scar tissue that forms under the skin apparently becomes permanent if you keep doing it.”

Dio has been quite upfront about the fact that she has chosen to have the fox eyelift operation repeated on her, saying that she does so only for very rare occasions when she wants to seem really enhanced and defined.

So, either it hasn’t frightened me away or I’m terribly broken, she joked. Dio chose to have 20 porcelain veneers placed without the necessity for crowns so that she could avoid having her teeth reshaped to give them a sharp, “shark teeth” look.

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Dio was able to get a reduced price on the operation because of his influential status. Normally, the price of such a treatment.

Hotel stay, and limousine service would amount to about $5,500. Flights to Turkey, which Dio said cost at least $1,000 per person on average, are not included in the fee.


Dio had planned to take a vacation from invasive cosmetic operations after getting her teeth fixed. But then she met Dr.

Ron, a famous injector headquartered in Miami, Florida, and everything changed. When he asked Dio what she wanted, she put her trust in his judgement and stretched out to her.

Dio claims that by following Dr. Ron’s instructions, she was able to have the treatments done on her face without experiencing any pain or discomfort.

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Several improvements were made throughout her time with Dr. Ron. She had Botox touch-ups, filler under her eyes.

Filler injected to her cheekbones, and threads inserted under her skin to lift and redistribute the fat in her cheeks. About one every 10 months, Dio receives this extensive therapy.


Dio’s doctor recommended Botox injections to her jaw to stop her from grinding her teeth, so she had the treatment done recently.

Dio’s last operation did not impact her face, but it was nonetheless a medical process. She had a boob job, often known as breast augmentation, which took her from a size A to a size D.

While Dio acknowledges that her own confidence has been significantly bolstered by her alterations, she is keen to stress that they are by no means a fast cure for those who struggle with low self-esteem.

She emphasised that aesthetic operations and plastic surgery aren’t a panacea for low self-esteem. As the saying goes, “although it can help.”