Foster Child Surprised When Couple Says They Want To Adopt Him After Spending 11 Years in Foster Care With 15 Families

When Alex entered foster care for the first time, he was 3 years old. In 11 years, he had lived with 15 different households, but at the age of 13, he finally...

When Alex entered foster care for the first time, he was 3 years old. In 11 years, he had lived with 15 different households, but at the age of 13, he finally found his forever family.


In October 2017, Jenny and Stephen Madkour saw Alex for the first time on Jeff Gianola’s “Wednesday’s Child” episode. They were eager to see the youngster after learning about his troubled past and how he had begun to lose faith in getting adopted.

Alex found it hard to imagine that he could still be adopted when he had never had a real home to call his own. During his discussion with Gianola, he claimed that he had not made many long-lasting friendships in the past. Jenny and Stephen found that narrative to be very moving. They believed they could relate to his struggles and yearned for the opportunity to get to know him.

The Madkour family was introduced to Alex by Boys and Girls Aid, and the two families hit it up right away. Due to his history of many moves while in foster care, Alex said that he had problems trusting adults. However, he indicated that as soon as he met Jenny and Stephen, he immediately felt comfortable. Before Thanksgiving in 2017, the couple met Alex, and they invited him to move in just before Christmas. They formally adopted him in 2018.

There aren’t many foster homes available near Portland, Oregon, where Alex, Jenny, and Stephen reside. In 2018, there were 800 kids in foster care and 200 kids in the state who were waiting to be adopted. To find out more about Alex’s life changing experience, read on.

The Madkours first became aware of Alex because of his presence on television. Jenny informed the KOIN news crew, “Anyone who’s seen that video of Alex, his core awesome comes out in that video.” The way Jeff Gianola spoke to him and Alex’s relationship with him “really gave us a glimpse of who Alex is,” according to the author.

The child was naturally dubious when Boys & Girls Aid first informed him that a family was interested in adopting him. “I didn’t believe them,” stated Alex. You people are just trying to trick me, this is not going to happen.

To put it mildly, Alex’s life before meeting Jenny and Stephen was challenging. It was a huge hardship for him to think, “OK, I’m leaving this home, and in two weeks I’m going to another home,” he admitted.

The Madkours knew they wanted to adopt an older child because there aren’t enough homes in Oregon for foster children. They didn’t realize they had the appropriate match until they saw Alex. Jenny remarked, “We had been looking for a very long time.

The couple encouraged Alex to move into their house and become a member of their family after spending time getting to know him. We have a spare bedroom, I remarked,” Stephen recalled. The boy has entered their life, and the Madkour family is holding on tight.

Alex’s life is now the happiest it has ever been. He said to the news team, “I didn’t think I was going to find a forever home this good.”


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