Jennifer Aniston Was Left Out Of Her Estranged Mom’s Will, Despite Paying Her Medical Bills Before She Di*d

Nancy Dow, the mother of Jennifer Aniston, died in 2016 at the age of 79. Dow, who was also an actress, had a long period of ill health before she passed away. She experienced one stroke in 2011 and another one the following year.

“My brother John and I are saddened to inform you of the demise of our mother, Nancy Dow. After a protracted illness, Mom died away quietly at the age of 79, according to family and friends, Aniston, who was 47 at the time, said in a statement. We request that people respect the privacy of our family while we grieve our loss.

Jack Melick and Dow were wed from 1956 to 1961. From 1965 through 1980, she was then married to John Aniston. Jennifer was born at that time, and her parents’ divorce occurred when she was nine years old. Aniston’s relationship with her mother had soured as she matured.

No matter how hard and challenging Nancy and Jennifer’s relationship may have been, losing one’s mother is terrible for any daughter, according to a source close to the family. “Jennifer is thankful for the good moments they had together because Nancy battled a very long struggle with many highs and lows. She is becoming more intimate with her husband and her family and appreciates their affection so much.

Jennifer Aniston has referred to her mother as “beautiful, stunning,” but also as “extremely critical.” She was sympathetic to her mother’s situation, though, as she had experienced financial hardship as a single mother in the 1980s. She thinks her mother wasn’t intentionally critical; rather, “she did it because that was what she grew up with,” rather than out of malice. The “deep wounds that I would then spend a lot of money to undo,” she said, “were not stopped by the awareness that her mother was only doing her best.”

Regarding the mother-daughter relationship, an informant revealed that Dow amended her will secretly a year prior to passing away. She left her daughter out of her will and left her entire estate to another cousin. The insider continued, “Jen still covered practically all of Nancy’s bills in her final years, even though Jen and Nancy had a very tense relationship.

Jennifer Aniston has also been transparent about her personal growth, including her need for control, her problems with rage, and her propensity for passive-aggressive behavior. She confessed, “I’m a control freak. “I prefer to do everything on my own. Growing up, my life spiraled out of control, so today it’s crucial that it do the same.

She has also mastered the art of venting anger rather than keeping it inside.

She remarked, “I always thought that when you’re angry, you just don’t say anything. I would speak passively, and things would speak passively. However, it isn’t need to be in black or white. You don’t need to be a crazy person with neck veins protruding, turn bright red, and terrify everyone; you can just be quiet and bury your head in the sand instead. I used to despise conflict. Abhor it. It was unwavering. I knew what fury felt like, but I didn’t know how to let it out. which is something I’ve made a serious effort to improve.

Jennifer Aniston acknowledged that there were periods of time when she and her mother didn’t communicate. “She was volatile. That is intolerable to me. If I am angry, I will talk about [things]. Never in my life would I shout and lose my mind like that. I was never told that I could yell, though. I once yelled at my mother in a loud voice, and when she glanced at me, she started laughing. She was making fun of me for yelling back. And it hit me in the stomach like a punch.

In addition, Jennifer Aniston said, “She was harsh. She gave me some harsh criticism. She was exquisite, and she was beautiful because she was a model. I never was; I never am. Sincerely, I still don’t view myself that way, which is okay. She was also a pretty harsh person. She would harbor resentments that I simply found so trivial.

Aniston, though, asserted that she was the complete opposite, forgiving people “maybe to a fault.” How do you even talk to that guy, some people in my life ask me? But what good does it do to keep onto [anger]? That is really harmful. We are all human. Everyone makes errors. Humans are fallible creatures. Additionally, refusing to forgive someone prevents people from improving as people.