NASA Has Discovered Possible Signs of Life On Mars

NASA’s Perseverance rover has found a variety of organic substances that may indicate the existence of life in Mars’ Jezero crater, providing some conclusive proof that humanity may not…

NASA’s Perseverance rover has found a variety of organic substances that may indicate the existence of life in Mars’ Jezero crater, providing some conclusive proof that humanity may not be alone in the cosmos after all.

Now, everyone has heard rumours that there may be life on other planets, Mars being at the centre of all sci-fi related media over the years.

And it seems there may finally be some proof to it after all.


This discovery implies that their ground-breaking research raises the possibility that the red planet formerly supported a more sophisticated biosphere than was thought.

NASA scientists have proposed a few theories to explain where the alien materials may have originated, including reactions between water and rocks, meteor deposits, or most exhilarating of all, something created by live creatures.

The researchers say that by learning more about the biological material, choices for crucial carbon supplies and the hunt for possible communication may become clearer.

The rover touched down in the crater in February 2021, which is the location of an old lake basin with a high likelihood of once having supported life.

The Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) equipment was mounted aboard the cutting-edge ship.

The first instrument of its sort, SHERLOC, enables the analysis and charting of organic compounds and minerals.

It enabled the researchers to take pictures of and examine the rocks on the crater bottom.

Sunanda Sharma and Ryan Roppel, two scientists who examined the data, found signs of organic compounds on each of the 10 objects that SHERLEC was able to view. These signals were mostly focused in the Maaz rock formation rather than the Seitah rock formation.

The researchers made note of each formation’s particular “spatial distribution” and “diverse mineral association.”

This variety, according to researchers, sheds light on how natural materials may have formed. For example, it’s possible that water combined with volcanic elements or changed directly from a gas to a solid without being a liquid in between.

The authors of the study wrote in the report: “Our findings suggest there may be a diversity of aromatic molecules prevalent on the Martian surface, and these materials persist despite exposure to surface conditions.

“These potential organic molecules are largely found within minerals linked to aqueous processes, indicating that these processes may have had a key role in organic synthesis, transport or preservation.”

Since the news came out, dozens of people have shared their thoughts on what they think about the discovery, with one writing: “Okay hear me out, this is a bit of a stretch but, what if we came from mars because we f***ed it up so bad that we had to leave then we came here, but some how lost all technology and advancements somewhere a long the way.”

While another wrote: “Can we please focus on saving our own planet! Let’s put all the money into figuring out how to stop all the destruction to our home before it is too late.”