Jason Aldean Files $58 Million 1st Amendment Lawsuit Against CMT

CMT made a huge mistake canceling CMT

When Country Music Television (CMT) decided to pull Jason Aldean’s video from its lineup, it began feeling the ramifications immediately. Calls for boycotts that have barely gotten underway have network executives in a full panic.

But…it gets worse. Aldean has filed a federal lawsuit alleging violations of his 1st Amendment rights with a hefty $58 million price tag attached. “Jason feels the damage they’ve done to his image among those who don’t really know him is worth at least that,” said Attorney Joe Barron.

Barron is set to argue the case before the 63rd Federal Court of Constitutional Writs and Motions in Baltimore, the first step to having a full-blown civil rights suit that the general public can join.

“We feel like this is appropriate,” said Counselor Barron, “given the scope of the overreach by the defendant.


We checked with our legal department and determined that there may be a path forward for Aldean, though it seems unlikely. Former federal Clerk-Magistrate Art Tubolls said getting by the writs and motions court will be fairly difficult since, as he puts it, “no such thing exists, and the entire premise is fairly preposterous.”

Tubolls pointed out that CMT is definitely not the government but rather a public company most likely acting in the best interests of its shareholders. “The 1st Amendment is about as explainable to cultists as the 14th. They’re just not built to understand that it’s not always a case of ‘what Jethro thinks should happen.’ But it’s always worth a good chuckle.”

It should be interesting to see it play out. Right here on ALLOD. God Bless America.