Oddly Shaped Iceberg Gets Fisherman's Attention, Stunned When He Spots Stranded Figure On Top

Note: we are republishing this story which originally made the news in July 2018.

A group of Canadian crab-fishers were on a routine job off the coast of Labrador when they came across an unexpected sight that tugged at their heartstrings. A mushroom-shaped iceberg was drifting by and perched atop it was a furry white creature. Mallory Harrigan, one of the crew members, recounted to Fox News, "We thought it was a baby seal," but upon closer inspection, they discovered that it was an Arctic fox in distress.

The little creature was stuck and had no way to get off the iceberg. The winds were also picking up, driving the iceberg out to sea, and the fox was facing an uncertain fate. But Harrigan and her colleagues decided they weren't going to let that happen. They pulled up alongside the iceberg and managed to coax the frightened animal into their boat.

Harrigan revealed, "Although he put up a struggle, we were able to bring him aboard our vessel. We were aware that his only hope for survival rested with us."

The crew then made the fox a bed and offered it some food to help regain its strength. It was clear that the little guy was exhausted and cold, so they did everything they could to make him comfortable. The fox might not have realized it, but he was now in the company of a group of people who were determined to save him.

The journey back to the shore wasn't easy, but they managed to get the fox to the harbor safely. Harrigan and her team then set him free in an old doghouse. "He shook himself off, and that was it!" Harrigan exclaimed. The fox, seemingly grateful for the rescue, occasionally pops up to remind his rescuers of the life they saved.

Harrigan expressed her joy of saving the animal, saying "There's no better feeling than knowing you helped an innocent life. Even now, we occasionally catch a glimpse of our little friend!"

The crew's selfless act of kindness is a reminder that we should never underestimate the impact of even the smallest gestures. In a world that's often harsh and uncaring, it's heartwarming to see people going out of their way to help others, whether they be human or animal.

The rescue of the Arctic fox is a poignant reminder of the significance of preserving our planet and the inhabitants that share it with us. The changing climate is putting many species at risk, and it's up to us to do what we can to protect them. Even simple acts like reducing our carbon footprint or supporting conservation efforts can make a difference.

In the end, it was a chance encounter that led to a heartwarming rescue, but it's a story that will live on and inspire others to be kind and compassionate. As Harrigan put it, "We're glad to have saved an animal." And we're glad that there are still people in this world who are willing to go above and beyond to make a difference.