After being teased about her “disgusting” legs, she gets a close-up to shut up her tormentors.

No matter how they seem on the outside, I find value and love in each and every one of them. But there are also others who take pleasure in being superior to others and bullying those who are differen

No matter how they seem on the outside, I find value and love in each and every one of them. But there are also others who take pleasure in being superior to others and bullying those who are different from themselves.

These are the kind of persons Jacqueline Adan has lately encountered. However, she was prepared with a retort that put an end to the harassment.


Jacqueline Adan, an American, has battled her weight for a long time. She was over 500 pounds (220 kg) at one point. Nonetheless, she was able to alter her diet and begin working out.

Her current weight loss of over 350 pounds (150 kg) is quite remarkable! Rapid weight loss causes skin laxity rather than a snug fit due to the body’s increased size. Indeed, this is what happened with Jacqueline. The skin on her body loosened up as she shed pounds.

At first, Jacqueline was self-conscious about the extra skin all over her body, but it was particularly noticeable on her legs. But she made up her mind that she wasn’t going to let it stop her, so she carried on as normal.

For the first time in a very long time, Jacqueline felt confident in a swimming suit while on vacation since she had lost so much weight.

But when Jacqueline visited the hotel pool, she unexpectedly stumbled across a group of bullies. At the pool, a pair began pointing and laughing at her legs.


After the event, Jacqueline posted an inspiring Instagram story about the incident, complete with photos of her legs up close. In any case, that’s OK. Accept and appreciate your physical form.

In a short amount of time, her post has amassed over 30,000 likes and a flood of supportive feedback.

I think it would put an end to the bullying and maybe make Jacqueline’s tormentors see the error of their ways if they read it. Take a look!

I hadn’t worn a swimming suit in years before our recent trip to Mexico, and it had been even longer since I went shirtless in the water.

“I was afraid to remove my cover-up and go into the pool or onto the beach. In my mind, I was still the same 500-pound girl who… Then something occurred.

As soon as I pulled my cover-up off, a couple lounging by the pool began laughing and pointing at me, making fun of me.


So, I did what? Taking a deep breath, I forced a grin and stepped into the water. For me, it was a defining event. Something in me had shifted.

I was no longer myself. I still have a lot of saggy skin, I still struggle with low self-esteem, and I still get teased for it.

Truthfully, I admit that it disturbed me. But from now on, I would not give such kinds of individuals any power over me. What other people think of me will not prevent me from enjoying the life I want to live.

They have no idea who I am. They have no idea how hard I have fought to shed 350 lbs. No one knows how well I’m doing after having many major operations. They had no right to make fun of me while pointing and laughing. I was happy for that reason.

“Ignore the doubters and those who would attempt to tear you down. How you respond is what counts. How you see yourself emotionally. It’s not easy to accept yourself exactly as you are.

Some people could object to it. In any case, that’s OK. I pray you have self-love. Respect your physical self. Keep being you and always have a smile on your face, I say. Words of wisdom from a lady of strength and wisdom. Vote to show your agreement!