My wife’s mum wants to be paid to watch her grandson.

They say it takes a village to raise a kid, and any new parent who has experienced the whirlwind that is childrearing can attest to the truth of that proverb. Fortunately, there are options for parent


They say it takes a village to raise a kid, and any new parent who has experienced the whirlwind that is childrearing can attest to the truth of that proverb.

Fortunately, there are options for parents who need a break from caring for their children, such as nurseries and babysitters.


However, trusting others with your most prized possession may be nerve-wracking. Grandparents often step in at this point.

The fact is that some parents utilise their parents as a babysitter because they feel responsible for their grandkids. That obviously isn’t the case.


Amy, a new mother, wanted to know whether she was justified in being upset with her mother-in-law since she wanted to be compensated for watching her son and daughter-in-law’s newborn.

Ten years into their marriage, Amy and her husband have just recently become parents. With her husband working from home.

It was difficult for the pair to find childcare, so her mother-in-law stepped in to offer her services. They gladly accepted the offer, knowing that she would provide excellent care for their infant.

Amy stated of her mother-in-law, “I truly appreciate her time and devotion and everything she does,” and went on to say that in addition.


To taking care of the baby, the grandmother also handles the cooking and cleaning. Amy’s mother-in-law asked for payment to watch her granddaughter.

Which was something she hadn’t bargained for. To spend time with her grandchild costs money, and she has the nerve to ask for.


It! Amy posed the question, and she added that her husband agrees with his mother that she deserves payment in exchange for the favour she is doing.

Amy solicited feedback from the audience in the form of suggestions. With everything that goes into babysitting, especially for close relatives.

It’s understandable that parents may think about compensating those who help them out.They are not obligated to assist out with the grandkids just because they are the grandparents.

The grandmas and grandpas of the world may feel taken advantage of if they get nothing in return. These unfavourable results may have been avoided.


With some discussion on the possibility of financial compensation. In your opinion, what does this mean?

Do you agree with Amy’s mother-in-law or do you think she’s wrong?If you want to know what your Facebook friends think, please SHARE this article with them.