The love bite from his 24-year-old girlfriend proved fatal for this 17-year-old boy.

Excuse me! What the heck happened? #3 The girlfriend was not a vampire, as stated in It’s not the first time a love bite has ruined the life of a beloved, either. A New Zealand lady, 44 at the time,

It’s not the first time a love bite has ruined the life of a beloved, either. A New Zealand lady, 44 at the time, had a stroke from a lovebite and became largely paralysed in 2011.

Some doctors have even warned about the dangers of ‘lovebites’ to patients. If so, why? What became of the adolescent?!


#2 Second, a hicky. has never been the cause of a d!e.

Regarding the New Zealand lady specifically, the medical staff was first perplexed by her symptoms. The doctors were stumped as to what killed her until they saw a bru!se on her neck that was slowly disappearing over a severely damaged main artery.

To his knowledge, this is the first time someone has been hospitalised due to a hickey, as stated by the New Zealand doctor who treated the man, Dr. Teddy Wu.


#1 Why, therefore, did the young man take his own life?

Stroke brought on by a love bite has claimed the life of a 17-year-old boy. After spending the night with his 24-year-old fiancée, Julio Macias Gonzalez of Mexico City started suffering convulsions at the family dinner table.


Julio had a stroke when a blood clot was sucked into his brain during a passionate kiss. Julio d!ed despite the arrival of paramedics, who were unable to rescue him. The boy’s parents blamed his girlfriend for his death, and now she has vanished.