Posing artistically with statues is its own kind of photography.

Almost everyone on the planet now knows how to take professional-quality images and selfies because to the widespread availability of smartphones equipped with cameras. The fact that everyone has a ca


Almost everyone on the planet now knows how to take professional-quality images and selfies because to the widespread availability of smartphones equipped with cameras. The fact that everyone has a camera in their pocket does not make them all good photographers.


Most of us aren’t that imaginative, so we tend to repeat the same stances over and over again. Nonetheless, if it serves its purpose, then it serves its purpose. Let’s check out some of the most entertaining sculpture stances from across the web and social media.

This picture of a little child who seems to be lifting a rabbit to join his family is the cutest thing you’ve ever seen, right? This small guy really hopes to be of assistance in any way he can. That is one of the things we admire most about him.


We’re glad the young boy’s parents (or grandparents) were able to snap this shot since he seems really pleased to be assisting his sibling. His loved ones will always remember it fondly.

Take This as a Bribe
This picture seems to have been shot at some kind of government institution or museum. These monuments, depicting ancient politicians apparently discussing and establishing legislation, may be seen in public buildings all around the globe.


It’s one of the reasons why this picture is so great. It’s a bit too believable that a young guy would try to bribe a governmental official by passing him money behind his back. This picture will last forever.

Why Don’t We Get a Razor and Shave?
It seems like the naked guy in this stunning sculpture is either taking a bath or posing for the camera. Since disposable razors weren’t there when this model sat for the sculpture, the inclusion of the razor adds a unique dimension.


Have you ever pondered the methods of pre-modern shaving? We all know that males shave, but it wasn’t until the 20th century that women started doing the same. After all, they have no idea how to pull it off. This would be a hilarious addition to an antique sculpture.

We can’t outrun this tornado!
A woman is seen playing with her daughter while swinging her in Salt Lake City. It might also be a picture of a mother holding on to her child while the latter is swept away by a storm. At least, that’s how the picture-takers made it appear while they hung on.


It seems that the aid workers are keeping the small child from being blown away by the wind. It was quite kind of them to stop by.


Simply Put: You Think Clowns Are Scary, Too.
Did you know that being afraid of clowns is a legitimate phobia? Yes, you are correct in saying that. The fear of clowns, or coulrophobia, may be crippling. Clown phobia is a real phenomenon, and it’s generally connected to some traumatic experience in a person’s history.


Those who are afraid of clowns find it difficult to remain composed in their presence. Of course, it doesn’t help if they smack you, either, as this sculpture seems to be doing to this astute poser.


May We Please See a Display of All the Available Women?
Queen Bey (Beyoncé) wasn’t even born when this sculpture was finished, but the posture is stunning. The dude is hunched over, yet his physique is incredible. Wow, check out those abs.


The women’s intervention breathes new life into an ancient sculpture by transforming it into a feminist position with their “Single Ladies” attitude. Many modern ladies also have impressive abdominal strength. Obviously Beyoncé got the inspiration for her music video from this monument.

Dinosaur Alert: Do Not Proceed
The snow in the vicinity seems to be quickly disappearing, thus this snowman will melt in the coming days. However, the snow-knight is not about to let that stop him from exercising his authority while he still can. He’s attempting to keep this fearsome dinosaur at bay with his sword and shield.


The perseverance and bravery of this snowman are inspiring. Since the dinosaur (or whatever it is) has such massive teeth, it might easily bite straight through him.

This guy’s facial expression says it all. That Sums It Up.
This tiny cupid seems to have this guy in his clutches. The cupid seems to be threatening the man by shouting, “Give me back my bow and arrow or I will punch you out, dude!” Cute as a button Cupids may be, you probably don’t want to be on their bad side.


Not only does this picture include a cute little cupid statue, but the man’s look is spot on for the kind of shot he’s going for.

Do You Want to Dance?
There are some humorous sculpture postures here as well as some lovely ones, but this one may just be the cutest. The girl is apparently following a line of kids who are listening to a violinist.



Is It Possible That Ben Franklin Created the First SmartPhone?
One of the most astute early Americans was Ben Franklin. He was not only the first postal of the United States, but also a writer, inventor, and key figure in the formation of our democratic government.


Please Kiss Me, Pal
How much cuter could this be? A little girl went up to a statue of a boy and planted a large, wet kiss on his sculpted lips. Images like this are commonplace online and contribute much to the internet’s usefulness.


What good is a resource like the internet if it can’t provide us with some sweetness every once in a while? This couple is really adorable.

No, She’s ALL MINE!
People seem to like posing with this monument, as we have shown it in the past with a group of them seeming to attempt to stop mom from taking flight. But in one article featuring this one-of-a-kind sculpture, the male clearly wants the girl for himself.


I don’t get this position. It’s unclear what the poser was trying to portray, but the inventive position remains intriguing.