The news just broke that Denzel Washington turned down a $50 million project with Disney because “they’re too woke.”

Denzel Washington, who is famed for his subtle and sophisticated character representations, has reportedly rejected down a $50 million project with Disney. So why is that? Apparently, Disney is “jus

Denzel Washington, who is famed for his subtle and sophisticated character representations, has reportedly rejected down a $50 million project with Disney. So why is that?

Apparently, Disney is “just too woke” for Washington. Some may see this as a stance for principle, while others may question whether Washington is simply sleeping in.

Disney has been on a campaign to out-wake every other Hollywood company over the last several years. Disney has been fairly progressive as of late, releasing a princess who is enthusiastic about recycling and a prince who is an outspoken supporter of vegetarianism.

Word on the street is that their next big thing will be a composting-themed musical number set in the “Frozen” universe. Elsa and Anna performing a song in praise of composting? That’s a sequel I’d be interested in seeing.

Denzel, on the other hand, seems to have missed the word on Hollywood’s new course. He explained his choice as follows:

“I just wanted to do a film about a regular guy who recycles because it’s the right thing to do, not because he’s trying to impress his eco-conscious love interest.” When personalities were more than just their recycled behaviors, those were the good old days.

Hollywood is always looking for a good scandal, so the choice made in Washington has been met with varied emotions. When asked about Denzel’s acting style, one director said, “I always knew Denzel was a method actor, but I didn’t realize his method involved living under a rock.

” As everything was going on, a famous actress was overheard saying, “If being woke means getting $50 million, then someone please hand me an alarm clock.”

The supporters, unsurprisingly, went crazy on Twitter and other social media. People began using the hashtag #TooWokeForDenzel to share memes of Washington seeming baffled by contemporary phenomena like avocado toast and electric autos.

The following post appeared on Tumblr: “Denzel refuses $50 million because of wokeness? So much for his purchasing that sustainable mansion.

However, one thing is certain: in the ever-evolving world of Hollywood, it is vital to stay up with the times, even if it means setting your alarm clock a bit earlier, and Denzel Washington’s fight against excessive wokeness remains to be seen.

According to reports, Disney is in discussions with another actor who is a better fit for their idea. It’s been said that he has an alpaca called “Eco” and is a staunch supporter of eco-friendly clothing. Listen in for more developments.