Controversy erupts as a mother declares she would not leave her daughter alone with male relatives.

Your family is the only set of individuals you should ever put your faith in. However, we all know that this is not true in every home throughout the world. One TikTok user says this prompted her to s

Your family is the only set of individuals you should ever put your faith in. However, we all know that this is not true in every home throughout the world.

One TikTok user says this prompted her to share a video on the kind of upbringing she wants to give her daughter. She also refuses to let her son or daughter go to sleepovers with male relatives.

Among the other parents, she caused quite a ruckus. While her actions have garnered support from some, they have also drawn criticism from others.

In the absence of male relatives, She Raised a Daughter
Aubrey, a mother of two, has expressed strong opinions on the subject of childrearing. The world her children will be growing up in is dangerous, so she takes every precaution to make sure they are protected.


Audrey’s Tiktok following, which she manages under the handle @theorganicmami, now stands at slightly over 2,000 and is steadily growing.

In a “get ready with me” video posted to her TikTok channel, she candidly discussed the parenting style she employs with her kid.

At the outset of the video, Audrey states that she would not let her daughter to spend the night at a friend’s home. There is widespread consensus that this is true. However, few people would ever question a member of their own family and refuse to let them stay overnight with them.

Even if her kid had male relations, Audrey will not let her spend time alone with them. “No sleepovers,” she firmly said. “Nope. We don’t even talk about it with our relatives. She will never be alone with a guy, that much is certain. No matter how distantly related we are, I don’t care.

More of Audrey’s Perspectives
Audrey was applying cosmetics on her face while the video proceeded. She pledged to be equally attentive to her two children. Her kid will have to follow the same restrictions that her daughter has.

Therefore, Audrey has decided that neither her son nor her daughter will be permitted to go out at night since it is not safe.

“For instance, me letting my son go out late but not my daughter because it’s too dangerous for a woman,” Audrey said as an example. Simply said, “I’m going to be fair to both of them.”

Audrey made it clear that her kid is not obligated to accept hugs or kisses from her at any time. Both her close friends and her family are affected by this. Your folks will find out everything.

“And if you’re one of those people right now saying, ‘I’ll give you candy when your mum’s not here, just don’t tell her,’ that’s the quickest way to never see us again,” she remarked.

And Audrey is firm in her resolve to let her daughter express her feelings in whichever manner she sees fit. She also won’t have to attend a public school.

Audrey said, “She doesn’t have to respect you if you don’t also respect her, as a child, she still will have opinions and emotions, and she is allowed to feel a certain way.”

Comments Show a Wide Range of Opinions
The range of comments shows the wide range of perspectives expressed. Some of the parents were totally on board with whatever she had in mind.

One commenter said, “Speaking from my childhood experiences, the no sleepover rule is actually good, but [people] are getting mad about it.

” Someone another chimed in, “My mom did the no sleepovers thing [with] me when I was younger and I was upset but later found out one I was invited to 3 girls got [sexually assaulted] by the stepdad.”

@theorganicmami Teaching our children about dangerous “tricky” people, consent and boundaries! Thank you @caitlin&chelsea for sharing the signs and ways to teach our children about these people! #childsafetyadvocate #childsafetyawareness #protectourchildren #protectourkids #endsexualas #raisingourchildren #childconsentmatters #controversialparenting #unsafepeople #positiveparenting #childconsent #strangerdangerbeawarechildren #bewarechildren ♬ What Was I Made For (Piano) - T I H H

However, her choices left some individuals scratching their heads. Many people have told her that her kids are missing out on a lot of fun by not participating in sleepovers.

After being denied permission to attend sleepovers herself, one adolescent shared her story in an essay. She lamented, “I’m not allowed to have sleepovers and I hate my mom for it [so much] I missed out on a ton of stuff,” which she attributed to her inability to participate in various activities.

And then another commenter said, “If you know the parents and the kid, i don’t see the harm in sleepovers, they’re honestly some of my best memories.

” Finally, someone else inquired as to the source of her lack of confidence in her male relations. Why don’t you trust your brother or your dad?” they wrote. Do you just leave her with her father?