Teen claims Jesus sent him an important message for the world when he dies and returns

A little youngster claims he got to paradise after dying in a vehicle tragedy. He claims Jesus told him to tell the world something important, and he wants everyone to hear it before it’s too late,

A little youngster claims he got to paradise after dying in a vehicle tragedy. He claims Jesus told him to tell the world something important, and he wants everyone to hear it before it’s too late, so he was resurrected to do just that.

On the afternoon of October 19, 1997, Landon Whitley was riding shotgun in the car with his parents after attending church. “I couldn’t tell what he was so angry over. I heard him shouting, but I didn’t see the ambulance.

According to Fox News, Landon’s mother, Julie Kemp, said, “That was the last time I spoke to him.” Her spouse, Andy, was the “he” in this case, and they were struck by an ambulance as they drove through an intersection.

Landon was just eight years old when his family’s automobile was T-boned by an ambulance on its way back to the hospital. His father passed very suddenly.

After reviving Julie, rescuers tended to the automobile, unaware that Landon was still inside. “They couldn’t see his body because of the damage that was done to the driver’s side of the car and Landon was sitting behind his dad,” Julie said.

CBN claimed that when they found Landon’s shoe, they knew they were looking for a child’s corpse. They located Landon, but he was dead when they arrived. He was promptly given CPR and sent away by life flight.

He met his demise twice more that day. Although he was revived each time, his situation remained dire. Even though his chances of survival were low, Julie recounted, “they told me that if he lived, that he would be like an 8-year-old baby.

” Brain injury would render him unable to move, communicate, or consume food. That was OK with me since I was so desperate. If it meant keeping him, I’d accept it. He was the only one I had.

Julie buried her spouse as her kid struggled for his life in the hospital. She says at his burial that she believed God had abandoned her.

I was devastated and dismayed. And I’ll be the one fussing at God as I sit through the funeral. “I don’t know what’s going on here,” she cried.

me. But in the next, I’m praying to God more fervently than I ever have before for Landon’s survival.

Julie’s prayers were answered two weeks after the tragedy, when Landon, who had suffered severe brain injuries, opened his eyes despite being in a coma and dependent on a variety of life-support systems. Everyone was shocked to learn that he had suffered no brain damage.

Even as she rejoiced at her son’s awakening, Julie knew she had to break the news to him that his father had died. Scars covered his face. The pain in his mind was overwhelming.

Julie reflected, “I didn’t want to harm him any longer. “So I asked Landon, ‘Landon, do you know where your dad is at?'” Yes, he informed me, I know exactly where he is. In paradise, I saw him.

And it wasn’t the only thing Landon saw in paradise. His deceased relatives and long-lost siblings all made an appearance.

To which I said, “He glanced over to me and said, “Oh mom, by the way, I forgot to tell you. I’ve met your other two youngsters. Honestly, I had no idea what he was talking about, so I simply stared at him.

I had two miscarriages before I became pregnant with Landon. Julie said, “And he saw them in heaven. We never told Landon about it. We had already lost two children before he was born, and he had no idea.”

“I knew that they were my siblings even though no one had ever told me about them,” Landon said. “Just being in Heaven, I guess you know—you know your own, or you know who everyone is.”

Landon said his afterlife adventures varied with each passing. On his third trip, he claims to have had an encounter with Jesus in which he received his mission.

“Jesus came to me and told me that I have to go back to earth and be a good Christian and tell others about Him,” Landon said.

I simply want people to know that Jesus exists, that paradise exists, and that angels exist. And if you keep His commandments and study the Bible, everything will improve in the end.”

In obedience to the instruction Jesus gave him that day, Landon and Julie are using their tragedy to provide hope to others. “I know I’m doing it for Jesus,” Landon said. That He exists, I am certain.

I have no doubt that angels exist. As far as I am concerned, heaven exists. Indeed, I have really met Jesus. For certain, He exists. I’m complying with his request since he told me to.

In 1997, I couldn’t fathom why God wouldn’t intervene via an angel. However, I am certain that angels were present. Julie said, “I have faith that we were preserved and that we are now carrying out His will for our lives.

She went on to say that she had been able to utilize her experience to encourage people to “not give up and to keep their faith on the grief journey” rather than wallow in their own sorrow or become resentful against God.


“It is a huge blessing that I get to watch my child tell others about Jesus,” Julie said. He is always ready to spread the good news about the existence of God. Due to the fact that he has firsthand experience of the area.