Woman Who Lost Engagement Ring In Her Garden Finds It 13 Years Later Around A Carrot

Losing a precious engagement ring can be a heart-wrenching experience for anyone, as it represents not only a significant financial investment but also sentimental value tied to a momentous occasion i

Losing a precious engagement ring can be a heart-wrenching experience for anyone, as it represents not only a significant financial investment but also sentimental value tied to a momentous occasion in one’s life. The sinking feeling when you realize it’s missing is universally dreaded. In the case of Mary Grams, her engagement ring went missing in the most unexpected and unusual way, leading to a remarkable discovery years later.

Mary Grams, now 84 years old, found herself in a distressing situation back in 2004 when she lost her engagement ring while working in the garden of her family’s farm in Alberta, Canada. Despite her best efforts, days of searching yielded no results, and Mary believed that her cherished ring was lost forever, a painful loss compounded by its sentimental value.


Fast forward to 2017, nearly 13 years after her engagement ring vanished, a strange twist of fate occurred. Mary’s daughter-in-law made a surprising discovery while tending to the garden. She plucked an unusually shaped carrot from the earth, and to her astonishment, the carrot was adorned with something unexpected—it was tightly wrapped around a diamond ring!


Mary Grams recalled the day she lost her engagement ring in 2004, stating, “I went to the garden for something, and I saw this long weed. For some reason, I picked it up, and it must have caught on something and pulled [the ring] off.” The ring had been a cherished possession, worn on her finger since 1951, a year before she married her husband, Norman. She remembered the frantic search with her family when it first went missing, but the ring had remained elusive for over a decade.

Remarkably, Mary did not inform her husband of the lost ring at the time. In an effort to spare his feelings, she decided to purchase a similar-looking ring for herself, hoping he wouldn’t notice its absence. Her decision to keep the loss a secret reflects the deep emotional connection she had to the ring and her desire to protect her husband from the distressing news.

Years passed, and Mary and her family relocated to Camrose, yet they still maintained the garden on their old family farm, which had been in their possession for over 105 years. It was during the routine maintenance of this garden that the remarkable discovery was made. Mary’s daughter-in-law, Colleen Daley, realized the ring’s connection to her family history.

Colleen Daley explained, “I knew it had to belong to either grandma or my mother-in-law because no other women have lived on that farm.” She discussed the ring with her husband, who recognized it as his mother’s lost engagement ring from years ago. It had miraculously turned up on the peculiar carrot.

The way the ring had become entwined with the carrot was unusual, with Colleen noting, “If you look at it, it grew perfectly around the [ring]. It was pretty weird looking. I’ve never seen anything like that. It was quite interesting.”

Mary Grams was overjoyed to have her long-lost engagement ring back in her possession, and she expressed her intention to wear it once more. She marveled at the fact that it still fit perfectly, a tangible connection to her cherished past.

Sadly, Mary’s husband, Norman, had passed away over five years prior, not long after celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary. The return of her engagement ring served as a poignant reminder of their enduring love and shared history.

This heartwarming tale of a lost and found engagement ring is not an isolated incident. In 2011, a Swedish woman made headlines when she discovered a ring she had lost 16 years earlier wrapped around a carrot in her garden. These extraordinary stories serve as reminders of the unexpected and wondrous ways in which life can surprise us, even when hope seems lost.

Mary’s story is a testament to the enduring significance of cherished possessions and the profound connections they hold to our personal histories. It also underscores the importance of sharing such remarkable tales, reminding us that miracles can happen in the most unexpected places, like a garden where carrots grow with precious rings.