Leave A Glass Of Salt Water And Vinegar To Detect Negative Energies In Your Home

Many people might have trouble believing that energy from other people might get stored in physical spaces. Many people also have trouble believing that the vibes we talk about are very real. But ener

Many people might have trouble believing that energy from other people might get stored in physical spaces. Many people also have trouble believing that the vibes we talk about are very real. But energy is real.

As humans, we are energy beings, and we are constantly absorbing as well as giving off energy. Constantly, even in our sleep.

It is only natural that the energy we give off will affect the immediate surroundings.

That is why we say that the vibe of a room is not all that good, or you felt that a particular room was very cheerful.

Every physical space has an energy imprint from its past owners and its current users.

If a person spends 8-10 hours every day muttering disgruntledly in his cubicle, that cubicle will become a reservoir of negative energy.

And when he goes away and the next person occupies that cubicle, that negative energy will impact this person as well.

As important as the office is, you might also want to turn your attention to your home, because houses too can store up a lot of negative energy. Your house, too, can be affected by negative energy.

It could either be from the family that moved out 20-30 years ago before you took up residence.

It could be from a year ago, when your marriage was going through a rough patch or you weren’t doing great at work.

Just because we cannot see all this energy doesn’t mean it isn’t there. Nobody questions kinetic or potential energy, do they?