Mangy stray cat stuns foster mom when he’s finally able to open his eyes

Mangy stray cat stuns foster mom when he’s finally able to open his eyes.

When a man from southeast Florida spotted a stray cat eating from the bawl of his pet, he approached closer to see who the little “thief” is. As he realized the cat was all covered in mange and was barely blind because of the severity of its condition, he was quick to take a photo and post it on the social media in hopes of reaching someone who could provide the stray animal with some help.

Thankfully, the man’s post was re-shared and reached just to the right person.

When Carmen Morales Weinberg, the founder of the local rescue group Animal Friends Project stumbled upon the post, she knew exactly what to do.

Carmen contacted the man, and soon, the cat was in her care.

She took the cat to the vet where she was told that the poor animal not only had severe case of mange, but it was also malnourished and dehydrated.

The cat, which was later named Cotton, could sense Carmen was there to help.

In order to give Cotton time to recover, Carmen opened the doors to her home to him.

“Cotton stayed hunched over for days and days and seemed very uncomfortable,” Carmen said, but he managed to adjust to his new life. He even grew his fur back and started resembling a healthy cat.

When he could finally open his eyes fully, he had a big surprise for the woman who gave him a new lease of life. Namely, Cotton had heterochromia iridum, a condition that results in different-colored irises. One of his was blue, and the other one green.

This condition can also affect humans and dogs, but when it comes to cats, its mainly found in felines with white fur.

The transformation of Cotton is yet another example of the difference love and affection do.