Man Caught In Car With 11-Year-Old Girl, Then The Story Gets Worse

When the police came upon twenty-seven-year-old Euno Roque-Guerrero, they found his situation to be very suspicious.

When the police came upon twenty-seven-year-old Euno Roque-Guerrero, they found his situation to be very suspicious. He was parked behind a shopping plaza in Hammonton, New Jersey, and had a little eleven-year-old girl in the car with him. When police asked him why he was alone with the little girl, he confessed that he had made sexual advances toward the underage child, kissing her in the shopping plaza parking lot because “they couldn’t go to their homes because of their age difference,” the Courier-Post reports.




After a thorough investigation, Roque-Guerrero also confessed to police that he had rubbed the eleven-year-old girl’s buttocks while they were together in his vehicle. As a result of the abuses he committed against the little girl, the 27-year-old New Jersey man was charged with child endangerment, to which he pleaded guilty. As part of his guilty plea deal, Roque-Guerrero was forced to give up his pharmacy technician registration.

To make matters even worse, Roque-Guerrero told police that he was “dating” the eleven-year-old girl that he had in the back of his car – and that she was his relative. Because they had such a significant age gap, he was forced to pursue this romance with the child in private without the knowledge of other family members.

In addition to five years of prison time as a result of his lenient plea deal, Roque-Guerrero will also need to follow the rules outlined by Megan’s Law registration. According to this law, he will need to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and is subject to parole supervision for the rest of his life.

When Roque-Guerrero finally makes it out of prison, he could face deportation – however, it is not clear to which country he would be sent if that was to be acted upon by the United States government.




New Jersey residents were not happy with the punishment that Roque-Guerrero received because they feared it was too lenient for someone who was trying to illegally “date” his eleven-year-old relative.

“Five years is not enough,” wrote one person in’s comments section.

“Why jail him, just deport him!” commented another.

However, some people felt that jail time was perfect for the sex offender.

“Because he could come back and victimize the girl again,” wrote one person. “Everyone is safer with this creep in jail.”

Other commenters pointed out that Roque-Guerrero will need to contend with other inmates for five years while he is behind bars. During this time, the other inmates will likely not go easy on him because he committed a sex crime against an eleven-year-old victim.

“Five years in Prison General Population With a bunch of Bulls knowing what he did?” said another. “Perfect Sentence. I hope he enjoys his last solid bowel movement.”

What do you think about this New Jersey man “dating” his eleven-year-old relative? Is five years in jail enough time behind bars for this sex offender?