Brad Pitt’s tragic news was announced by the actor himself

Actor and producer Brad Pitt recently broke some heartbreaking news to his followers. The Fight Club actor admitted to QG

Actor and producer Brad Pitt recently broke some heartbreaking news to his followers. The Fight Club actor admitted to QG that he has been experiencing prosopagnosia, or “facial blindness,” a medical ailment that makes it difficult to recognise people’s faces.

The well-known Hollywood actor admitted that although he has not yet received a formal diagnosis, he is confident that he has the condition. His voice had a worrisome inflection.

He claimed that he is afraid because he thinks that people may perceive him as “distant and aloof, unreachable, and self-absorbed” as a result of his inability to identify faces. Pitt continued by saying he hoped to meet others who shared his illness.

Pitt reportedly said to the reporter, “Nobody believes me, and it’s easy to see why.

Face blindness is a real condition that provides a serious difficulty to individuals who are compelled to live with it, despite the fact that the majority of people have never heard of it.

The National Institute of Health describes prosopagnosia as a neurological condition that can make it difficult for people to recognise even close acquaintances or family members. One in fifty people may be affected, according to study.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Strokes, “facial blindness” has nothing to do with memory loss, vision issues, or learning disabilities.

It is not the same as forgetting or occasionally having difficulties finding the right word, as Dani Blum writes in an article for the New York Times, adding that the severity varies from person to person. Dani Blum discusses the symptoms, causes, and treatments of the illness.

Basic social relationships might be challenging to navigate when one has prosopagnosia, according to Blum.

Frequently, stroke, brain damage, or merely genetic predisposition are the underlying causes. Doctors are unsure of the best ways to treat it because persons who have it don’t appear to have any obvious structural abnormalities in the brain. Some therapies that benefit those who have the problem concentrate on finding novel methods of identification that go beyond face traits.

As much as it is possible, we hope Brad Pitt will receive the necessary assistance to keep his situation under control.