World’s oldest ever dog Bobi has tragically Di*d

Bobi, the world's oldest dog according to the Guinness World Records, has died at the age of 31.



Earlier this year a Rafeiro do Alentejo dog named Bobi who had lived with his family in Portugal for 31 years was named the world's oldest dog by Guinness World Records.

The Rafeiro do Alentejo is a Portuguese farm dog with a life expectancy of between 12 and 14 years, but Bobi lived for more than double that.

Sadly, the record breaking dog has now died with vet Dr Karen Becker announcing that the aged pooch had died over the weekend.

She said: "Last night, this sweet boy earned his wings.

"Despite outliving every dog in history, his 11,478 days on Earth would never be enough for those who loved him.

"Godspeed, Bobi ... you've taught the world all you were meant to teach."


Bobi's owner Leonel Costa had looked after Bobi since he (that is to say Leonel) was eight years old and explained how he'd kept his canine companion by his side for so long.

Costa said that Bobi living in a 'calm, peaceful environment' which was 'far from the cities' had likely helped the dog live longer.

He said that Bobi also 'ate what we ate' and had never been chained up or put on a lead.

Bobi had turned 31 in May, just a few months after he was named the world's oldest dog for being such a good boy for so long.

He'd broken the record set by Australian dog Bluey, who had lived to be 29 years and five months old.

While he lived for 31 years in total, Bobi almost met his maker when he was just a puppy after Costa's parents planned to put him down.


The Portuguese farmer explained that Bobi was one of four puppies in a litter but the family thought they had too many animals including plenty of other dogs.

However, Bobi wandered off from the rest of the litter before he could be put down and Leonel kept him a secret from his family for two weeks.

Once they discovered their son had kept Bobi they 'screamed a lot and punished us' but ultimately decided not to put the dog down as the puppy had opened his eyes and they figured he was part of the family now.

Bobi had been with Leonel and his family ever since, right up until this weekend when his tragic passing was announced after a very good boy had a very good innings.

Farewell to a good old boy.