The True Motivation Behind a Mother’s Decision: Removing her Son’s Birthmark with a Laser Sparks Criticism

Criticism has been directed at a mother who made the choice to use laser treatment to address her son’s birthmark. Despite the backlash, the mother asserts that the motivation behind her decision is different from what others believe. When it comes to having a child, it is a common desire for many couples, with the joys of parenthood being boundless. However, it also comes with numerous responsibilities, and maintaining control over everything can be daunting. Most importantly, parents wish for their child to be healthy, happy, and well-prepared for life.


The mother, Brooke Atkins, became the center of attention on the internet due to her decision concerning her second son, Kingsley. At birth, doctors noticed dark stains covering half of Kingsley’s face, which were identified as port-wine stains, a condition resulting from blood vessel malformation. While not usually problematic on other parts of the body, its appearance on the face, especially around the eyes, can indicate Sturge-Weber syndrome, potentially leading to glaucoma.


In order to prevent visual impairment for little Kingsley, Brooke and her partner, Kewene Wallace, chose to pursue treatment for the birthmark. They sought assistance from the dermatological and vascular department of Queensland Children’s Hospital, where they were advised on using a laser to keep the skin healthy and prevent further damage to the surrounding areas. However, many people disapproved of Brooke’s decision, viewing it as excessive and driven solely by aesthetic reasons, causing Brooke to feel guilty and doubtful. Despite the criticism, there were others who understood the medical necessity of the treatment and offered support to the distressed mother.

Putting ourselves in the shoes of Brooke and her partner, one may wonder if they would have taken the same path if medical experts advised that it was the only way to help their child. Parenthood often involves making difficult choices for the well-being of the child, and in such situations, the weight of responsibility can be overwhelming. Ultimately, every parent must rely on their own judgment to determine what is best for their child.