Drinking a spoonful of oil in the morning has incredible effects and not everyone knows about them. If you try it even just once, you will be amazed. Olive oil has been used since ancient times as not



Drinking a spoonful of oil in the morning has incredible effects and not everyone knows about them. If you try it even just once, you will be amazed.

Olive oil has been used since ancient times as not only has it always been appreciated in terms of taste, but it has beneficial effects for the whole body. You will never believe it, but the first uses of this substance date back to mid-4000 BC by ancient populations who lived in what is Armenia.



As we have just said, the use of olive oil dates back many years to ancient populations who had already discovered the beneficial actions of the oil. Its main use, at the time, was that of body care and was mostly used as a cosmetic . But not only. It was used to power lights and lamps which managed to stay lit for a long time thanks to its slow combustion.


Finally, it was already used at the time as an excellent natural medicine and from those years to today it has been confirmed that olive oil is good for you and is particularly good if drunk first thing in the morning. It’s not easy for many due to the consistency, but if we were able to drink a spoonful of it before breakfast and therefore on an empty stomach, we would quickly realize that it is an incredible cure-all.

Obviously it should not be understood as a product that works miracles and can solve any type of problem or ailment, but if taken regularly it becomes an ally for everyday life. We remind you that if you have any doubts or concerns, it would be best to consult your doctor. Another thing to keep in mind is that it is great for the gut, considered the second brain of our body.

Olive oil is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps solve many joint problems and purifies the liver.


Why Take A Spoonful Of Oil In The Morning

Experts on the subject say that the best time to take a spoonful of olive oil would be in the morning, half an hour before breakfast to be precise. By taking this habit, our body will have time to assimilate and distribute all the beneficial properties of the oil.

Of course, taking the oil with meals is fine and healthy, but it will have many more benefits if taken alone. By doing this it will not mix with other substances and all its effects will be enhanced. It won’t take long before you see the first results. Furthermore, taking the oil in this way will ensure tight control of cholesterol. Many of us therefore define olive oil as a true elixir of long life .

Olive Oil As Fuel For The Day

Given all this, it is good to keep in mind that a spoonful of olive oil consumed on an empty stomach in the morning is a real panacea. The importance of fasting lies in the fact that since there is nothing in the stomach, the oil has the possibility of acting on its own without interference from other substances or foods.

Many will wonder how it is possible to drink a whole spoonful of oil and we can say that it is just a matter of habit. The fact that it feels slimy in your mouth is just a matter of habit and once you have become familiar with the oil you will see that it will be like drinking water. Let’s keep in mind that the oil is easily and highly digestible and protects the stomach from annoying heartburn and dangerous ulcers.


For those who suffer from constipation it will be of great help as it promotes better and easier passage of food and so on. There are those who even mix oil with lemon, always on an empty stomach, and it seems that this habit has benefits on the liver. A spoonful of oil with the addition of 3 drops of lemon will be enough. This remedy dates back to very ancient times and will help the body purify and detoxify itself.

It will only take a few days before you see the real positive effects . Furthermore, it will guarantee a much better night’s rest. In order to have all the benefits just described, it is important that you consume high quality extra virgin olive oil. This way you can enjoy all the positive and beneficial aspects of the oil itself.