Cloves are known for their pleasant aroma and antibacterial properties, which can make them useful for eliminating certain odors, including the smell of urine. Here’s how you could use cloves to help get rid of that smell:
Place a few cloves in a bowl or small cloth bag and place it near the area where the urine smell is. The aroma of cloves can help mask the unpleasant odor.
Boil a few cloves in water for a few minutes. Let it cool, then put the liquid in a spray bottle. You can use this solution to spray the areas affected by urine odor.
Baking soda is another effective natural air freshener. You can mix a few ground cloves with baking soda and then sprinkle this mixture on the affected area. Let it sit for a while before cleaning.
4. Use clove bags
Fill small cloth bags with cloves and place them in areas where the smell of urine is present. Envelopes can be placed in drawers, under furniture or even in the bathroom.
5. Avoid the smell of urine
To prevent the smell of urine from remaining, it is important to clean the affected areas immediately with a suitable cleaner to remove urine residue. You can then use the methods above to add a touch of clove scent to help neutralize the odor.
It is important to note that cloves can help mask the smell of urine, but they will not eliminate it completely. Be sure to properly clean affected surfaces to remove urine and prevent the odor from returning.