Amazon Delivery Driver Wants People To Leave Out Snacks

We know that being an Amazon delivery driver is not the cushiest job, but does that mean regulars should leave food as tips for them?

As popular as it is, Amazon has not exactly seen the best publicity. Several allegations have been leveled against it over the years when it comes to working conditions. These included price discrimination, actively cutting down on unions, and poor conditions in their warehouses. Furthermore, the conditions for an Amazon delivery driver haven’t been great either, to say the least.


So, some customers tried to help them out on the grueling task through small gifts like leaving them snacks. However, should such an act be expected from every customer? An Amazon driver definitely seems to think so. In a TikTok clip posted by @aniyamitch, the driver talks about how regular Amazon customers should normalize this etiquette.

The TikTok by the former amazon delivery driver
Image Credits: TikTok | @aniyamitch

Amazon Driver Believes They Deserve Snacks

Aniya begins by explaining that customers who order from Amazon at least every week usually get the same driver delivering. So, she believes this creates a bond between the customer and the driver. As such, she believes the customer should leave some snacks for the driver. The clip went viral with more than 130k likes and 950k views.

Now, just to be clear, Aniya did explain in a later interview that she made the clip as a lighthearted observation. However, she was concerned about how commenters made a mountain out of a molehill with her clip. She further admitted that she has had loads of customers who have left out snacks for her. So, Aniya thought about sharing the facts with her viewers when she saw not every regular follows the custom.


As far as the Internet goes, the debate was in full swing and had become quite heated. There are several posts on the internet about how grateful Amazon delivery drivers are when faced with such small random acts of kindness from their customers. As a result, there wasn’t a lack of supporters behind Aniya’s idea. One comment read: “When I move, Imma get a list of stuff my driver likes cause I remember!” Another commented: “I needed to see this video, I’m setting up my snack station today.

At the same time, there were detractors too with proper reasons. For example, one comment went: “I live in apartments so I’m positive my neighbors would take it before my package arrives.” More pointed out that there are instances where the drivers throw packages because of a bad day. Furthermore, at the end of the day, it’s their job where they get paid to do the deliveries, so should it be expected from everyone?

This Is All About The US’ Tipping Culture

Aniya has left behind being an Amazon delivery driver. However, she had some simple advice to resolve the situation: just increase the wages, because the drivers are seriously underpaid. As such, leaving out snacks can be viewed as a kind of tip for the drivers. The United States has faced heavy criticism for having the world’s most complex culture of tipping. Even though it is commonplace in the nation, about two-thirds of Americans do not see it positively.

Recently, concerns have grown over companies encouraging customers to pay more in tips for every action possible. As such, the companies themselves keep getting away while underpaying the employees. At the same time, tipping originated as a method of showing special appreciation if the job done exceeds expectations. It is also common among regular patrons, which is Aniya’s source of her statement.

However, tipping becomes problematic when it becomes uncomfortably necessary. The average tip in the country is expected to be between 15% and 30% of the bill – the world’s highest. Yes, it is great for a worker because the money goes directly into their pockets, and it is a tangible and useful form of gratitude. However, it also helps in maintaining income inequality, pushing the worker into relying more on their tips than their appropriate salary.