25 Times When The Simpsons ‘predicted’ The Future

The Simpsons predicted how a certain enterprise started adding horse meat into the elementary school's lunches.


Since the dawn of the first episode, the Simpsons have been known to bring forth a lot of amusement within living rooms across the globe. Aside from all the laughter, they have aired some seriously curious episodes. It seems they have access to knowledge of things that had not happened yet, and they would include it in the episodes. Almost as if they were premonitions of the future. Here are 25 examples of their predictions.

1. Super Bowl Predictions

In 1992, Lisa Simpson predicted the team would win the Super Bown in season 3, Episode 14. It was Super Bowl XXVI, and she said the Washington Redskins would win. This ended up coming true.

2. Simpsons Predict the Super Bowl, Again!

In 1993, the Simpsons made another prediction for who would win the Super Bowl. With the previous year’s prediction of the Super Bowl victors still fresh in everyone’s minds, people marveled at the second correct prediction. They showed how the Dallas Cowboys would win, and sure enough, they did.

3. And Again!!

No one would have guessed they would get it right for a second time but for a third! Hilariously and a little bit scarily, they got their third prediction correct. They predicted that the San Francisco 49ers would win the Superbowl XXIX.

4. Simpsons Predicted Trump as President

Bart Simpson traveled to the future in Season 11, Episode 17: “Bart to the Future.” During this episode, they suggest how Donald Trump was America’s president in the year 2024. Ironically, Trump was president during the years 2017 to 2021. But, he has announced that he will run for president again in 2024 – just as the Simpsons predicted.

5. Simpsons Sensory

Marge Simpson once attempted to make their favorite in-show cartoon, Itchy, and Scratchy, more morally coded in Season 2, Episode 9: “Itchy & Scratchy & Marge”. In other words, she wanted them to be less crude or less violent. However, it backfired when the public wanted to cover the nudity of famous works of art like Michaelangelo’s David. In 2016, Russians wanted to do the same thing by adding clothes to one of the famous states with clothing.

6. Ferrets for Poodles

The Simpsons predicted people might start scamming others for money by selling ferrets as toy poodle puppies. This actually happened to one man from Argentina. He thought he bought a poodle puppy, but it was actually a ferret.

7. Doughnut Shaped universe

Homer had a conversation with Stephen Hawking in Season 10, Episode 22: “They Saved Lisa’s Brain” where he described his theory of the universe being a doughnut shape. This is a real theory that dawned in the 80s.

8. Simpsons Submersible Emergency

Most of the world will remember the Ocean Gate submersible emergency that recently got lost while touring the Titanic. Well, in Season 17, Episode 10: “Homer’s Paternity Coot” Homer thought he found his long-lost father. They went into submersible vessels on an underwater adventure. Homer’s vessel got caught in the coral, and his oxygen was running out.

9. Video Calls

The Simpsons predicted yet another technological evolutionary invention, the video calls. Or, more specifically, Facetime.

10. FIFA corruption

The Simpsons predicted the result of another sporting event. In Season 25, episode 16, they showed how Homer became a referee because no one was available due to FIFA corruption.


11. Germany Wins

In the same Simpsons episode as above, Germany won the match because Homer blew the whistle. As a result, Germany won the match. Then, a few months later this is what happened in reality. Germany won the FIFA World Cup.

12. Simpsons Tiger Attack

This one particular episode would be difficult to doubt. How could one predict that a tiger would attack the trainer on stage. Well, it does seem like the Simpsons have a crystal ball of some sort. Because, in Season 5, Episode 10: “$pringfield” they sure did. Ten years after this episode aired, Roy Horn was attacked by a tiger in front of an audience.


13. Mathematical Predictions of Homer Simpson

In an episode of the Simpsons in 1998, Homer Simpson was thought to be a near scientifically genius. The Season 10, Episode 2: “The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace,” shows Homer predicting Higgs Boson. Or, at least he got very close.


14. False Elections

In Season 20, Episode 4: The Tree House of Terror XIX, homer simpsons wants to vote for Barack Obama. However, the voting machine has other ideas. It automatically switches the vote to John McCain. Strangely, in 2012, a Pennsylvanian voting booth did the same thing and caught on camera.

15. All You Can Eat

In one episode of the Simpsons, Homer took the “All You Can Eat” buffet theory to another level. He was eventually kicked out and contested this in court later on on the grounds of “for false advertising.” This was later put to the test in 2017 in real life. The most ironic part is this happened in Springfield, Massachusetts.

16. Just Horsing Around

The Simpsons seemed to predict how a certain enterprise started adding horse meat into the elementary school’s lunches in Season 5, Episode 19: “Sweet Seymour Skinner’s Baadasssss Song.” However, in 2013 health officials made a fuss when they revealed how many beef products actually contained traces of horse meat.

17. Lady Gaga Suspended Prediction

The infamous Lady Gaga has been known to put on some crazy performances. However, no one would have guessed the level of extreme she would be willing to reach. Except maybe, the Simpsons. They showed her grand entrance at the Super Bowl, where she wore a glittery Versace dress suspended high above the crowd – years before she did it in reality.


18. Simpsons Send an Average Person into Space

The United Kingdom held a contest where an average person with no space experience could win an opportunity to go into space as if they were an astronaut. The Simpsons also predicted this in Season 5, Episode 15: “Deep Space Homer.”

19. Prediction of the Smartwatches

Yet again, the Simpsons managed to predict an astounding piece of technology. In Season 6, Episode 19, Lisa has a boyfriend, high who talks to his watch. Years later, they were available to the public.

21. Stealing Restaurant Grease Simpsons Prediction

Here is another example of a revel rather than a prediction. The Simpsons showed Homer find an alternative way to get-rich-quick in Season 10, Episode 1: “Lard of the Dance.” He went on a mission to siphon Grease from restaurants and sold it at a profit. According to the New York Post, this was happening in reality.

20. Ebola

Could the Simpsons actually predict the outbreak of a pandemic? Well, in Season 9, Episode 3: “Lisa’s Sax,” it seems they may have foreseen the Ebola virus taking over the world.

22. Baby Talks

Many people might not know that Homer Simpson has a half-brother called Herb. He barely makes an appearance. But, in season 3, Episode 24: “Brother, Can You Spare Two Dimes?” Herb creates a device that could translate baby talk into understandable conversation.

23. NSA Exposed

This is not so much a prediction, but an episode of the Simpsons did expose the spy scandal of the NSA (National Security Agency). Marge Simpson was taken to the headquarters of the NSA, and they showed the technology they used to spy on America’s most wanted criminals. Then in 2013, Edward Snowden revealed the same technology – six years later.

24. Simpsons Prediction of Nobel Economics Prize Winner

Jagdish Bhagwati won the Nobel Economics prize in Season 22, Episode 1: “Elementary School Musical.” However, Milhouse bet that Bengt R. Holmstrom would win, but he lost. However, his prediction came true a few years later when Holmstrom won in 2016.

25. Olympics Predictions

America’s curling team at the Winter Olympics won gold in 2018. The exact thing was predicted by the Simpsons eight years prior to the real event. It showed this in season 21, Episode 12: “Boy meets Curling.