Man Turns Heads In Laughter Dancing To “Footloose” In Target

One of the new huge trends that technology has brought about is funny videos. People everywhere, act out in hilarious ways, with hopes to go viral. This man decided dancing to the classic song “F

One of the new huge trends that technology has brought about is funny videos. People everywhere, act out in hilarious ways, with hopes to go viral.

This man decided dancing to the classic song “Footloose” in Target would be some hilarious footage.

The funniest part, the music is on his iPod, so only he can hear it!

The first scene of the video is him in the middle of a Target, he’s just starting to bounce around to the beat.

A few seconds later, he pops up out of nowhere and starts to show us his hysterical dance moves.

His footwork and dance moves are impressive, as he dances to “Footloose” in multiple different public places!
After he’s got some laugh’s from the Target customers, it flashes to an arcade where he really lets loose, even doing a full spin move. He’s not holding anything back as he listens to the popular song through his headphones.

What makes it so epic, is the fact that he’s the only one that can hear the music. People are truly confused, as the young man cuts a rug unafraid of embarrassment.


The way he dances his heart out in public places is inspiring! Watch him bust some awesome dance moves, all for laughs.
The dancing is actually really good, but the surprise and confusion are what makes it funny. His fun video has garnered over 2 million views bringing smiles to many as the video quickly goes from Target to an arcade, to a shopping mall, and back and forth to a handful of public places.

The look on his face the whole time is priceless, his expressions are definitely the best part.

He even breaks it down for some ladies out to lunch!
The great dancing continues throughout the whole video, all while listen to “Footloose” from his iPod. I guess dancing in the Apple store kind of fits when you’re thrashing around on your iPod.

I love his willingness. to embarrass himself in front of everyone!

These women out to lunch got a nice treat in the form of some theatrical dance when he hysterically interrupted their lunch. Somehow they completely ignore him, kudos to them. I would have been cracking up!