Mice, cockroaches and other insects will be eliminated from your home. Prepare a cucumber and some kitchen ingredients

Any pests in your home are cause for concern. They’re annoying, could bite and spread diseases, and they can damage your house. Fortunately, there are some home pest control methods designed for pre



Any pests in your home are cause for concern. They’re annoying, could bite and spread diseases, and they can damage your house. Fortunately, there are some home pest control methods designed for prevention, and others that will fix a current problem.


If you’re interested in avoiding harsh chemicals found in commercial pesticides, this DIY home pest control method might do the trick instead. In several hours, mice, cockroaches and other insects will be eliminated from your home.


Please prepare the following ingredients

– A cucumber
– Banking soda (3 tbs)
– Sugar (1 tbl)
– Flour (2 tbls)



– Step 1: Take a bowl.


– Step 2: Put banking soda (3 tbs), sugar (1 tbl) and flour (2 tbls) together into the bowl. Mix them well

– Step 3: Cut the cucumber into some slices

– Step 4: Use spoon to pour the mixture into each cucumber

– Step 5: Put the cucumber slices in some corners in your house where you want to eleminate mice, cockroaches and other insects