Influencer Gets Boyfriend’s Name Tattooed On Her Forehead – ‘It’s an Expression of Love’

There can be several methods of expressing love. One TikToker chose to get a face tattoo to show it, and there were differing opinions.

Tattoos can be a sign of commitment, self-expression, or both. However, face tattoos require a further level of confidence, to say the least. It is even more of a serious commitment when it’s the name of someone else! Ana Stanskovsky, a TikTok content creator, recently got her boyfriend’s name tattooed on her forehead. She has over 500,000 followers on the social media platform. Needless to say, a lot of her viewers are not entirely supportive of the “act of love”.

For Ana, who hails from Poland, the face tattoo is a permanent love letter. She insists it is an expression of love. She even went as far as to indicate that anyone who cannot show this level of commitment has not experienced true love. As such, users have replied by calling the face tattoo stupid and that Ana’s next partner will not like it. Of course, Ana does not agree with them at all.

The Face Tattoo Of Love

The Face Tattoo Of Love

In a recently posted clip, Stanskovsky can be seen sitting atop a chair. A tattoo artist, meanwhile, does some kind of work on her forehead. The video entitled “My New Face Tattoo” was first uploaded on November 6th. Ana eventually shows the name of her boyfriend, Kevin, being tattooed across the forehead in prominent cursive letters with black ink. The video eventually zooms into the workings of the artist as viewers get to see the “Kevin” stencil while Ana winces in pain. After the face tattoo is completed, she stands up, looks at herself in the mirror, and exclaims that she loves it. She then ends by asking the viewers if they think her boyfriend will love it.

The netizens, unfortunately, were on the same page as Ana. Comments flooded in, full of disapproval. One read: “He’ll love it! Your next boyfriend will hate it though.” Another was worried about Kevin, instead of Ana, saying: “I don’t know who Kevin is, but wherever you are…Run!” At the same time, other comments were more serious and direct about the criticism, pointing out how it can be very regrettable: “Great decision here. I don’t see how you could ever regret this”.

Stanskovsky, however, did not take the criticism lying down. She made a subsequent video explaining that she remembered everyone saying how a break-up can make her regret it. However, for her, this is just her expression of love for someone. She loves it and is certain that she will never regret it since it is beautiful. Fans then quipped that a handwritten paper note would be just as beautiful. Some could not even believe that it was not a practical joke.

Ana Stays Strong In Her Choice Of Expression

Ana explains in another video that she falls in love whenever she sees herself in the mirror. She says that she is in love with the tattoo and her boyfriend. She explains: “I think if you really love someone, you’ve just got to show it you know, you’ve just got to prove it… So I think if your girlfriend doesn’t want to tattoo your name on her face, you just need to find yourself a new girlfriend because I don’t think she loves you”.

This was Ana’s most direct argument thus far, shocking her viewers. Comments immediately appeared, asking her to rethink how love can be shown. Some repeated their worry for Kevin about having a partner like Ana. However, Ana understands that relationships are never certain. When asked about that, Stanskovsky had a simple answer: “What if we break up? I’ll just have to find myself a different Kevin.”

Honestly, everyone has the freedom and right to express their love for another, as long as it isn’t hurtful to someone else. Ana’s face tattoo is definitely not hurting anybody who sees her, so she has every right to indulge in it. At the same time, perhaps some expressions are a bit too much. What do you think? Let us know in the comments!