My Daughter Chose Her Rich Dad over Me, Now Asks Me to Take Her Back as He Kicked Her Out

The mother faced a challenging situation when her daughter, Maria, sought to move back in after being kicked out by her father. The mother’s decision to establish certain conditions for Maria’s re



The mother faced a challenging situation when her daughter, Maria, sought to move back in after being kicked out by her father. The mother’s decision to establish certain conditions for Maria’s return is a reasonable approach, considering the complex history between them. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. Financial Independence: The mother’s conditions, such as getting a GED, working, and planning for a career, are aimed at fostering Maria’s financial independence and personal growth. These are positive steps toward helping Maria build a stable and self-sufficient future.
  2. Shared Responsibilities: Asking Maria to contribute to household chores is a fair expectation, as it promotes a sense of responsibility and shared living responsibilities. It’s essential for Maria to understand the importance of contributing to the household she is a part of.
  3. Reasonable Expectations: While the mother set conditions, she also allowed Maria some freedom, especially on weekends. This balance reflects a reasonable approach that acknowledges Maria’s adulthood while still providing structure and expectations.
  4. History of Strained Relationship: Given the strained relationship between the mother and Maria, establishing clear expectations is crucial for rebuilding trust and fostering a healthier dynamic. The conditions set by the mother are not unreasonable, considering the history of disagreements and Maria’s past choices.
  5. Community Support: The positive responses from the Reddit community indicate that many see the mother’s conditions as fair and aimed at promoting Maria’s well-being. Seeking external perspectives can provide valuable insights into the situation.


Ultimately, the mother’s approach appears to be guided by a desire to support Maria’s personal and financial development while maintaining a healthy living environment. It’s essential for both parties to communicate openly and work towards rebuilding their relationship on mutual understanding and respect.