I Uninvited My Eldest Daughter and Grandson to Christmas after She Refused to Do Me a Favour

During the Christmas celebration with her family, a mother experienced a rift with her eldest daughter when the latter declined to fulfill a request. Consequently, the woman rescinded the invitations for her daughter and grandson. But the question is: what led to this unexpected turn of events?

Family members gathered for Christmas dinner | Source: Pexels

The festive season is a perfect occasion for families to unite and revel in the joy of their shared bonds. It is a time when cherished traditions are upheld, creating lasting memories and strengthening familial ties.

However, unforeseen issues can emerge during this celebration, disrupting the holiday bliss and introducing strains among loved ones. Today’s narrative reflects such a scenario, where unexpected conflicts overshadowed the joyous spirit of Christmas for one family.

Man in Santa Claus costume sitting with a boy and a girl beside a Christmas tree | Source: Pexels

On November 19, 2023, an anonymous female contributor turned to Reddit’s highly popular “AITA” forum to pen her story. The woman, aged 43, had children with significant age differences. Her eldest, now 25, was from a previous relationship during high school. Following a separation, she later married her current husband.

During the Christmas celebration at her home, the woman approached her daughter, asking her for a favor.

Mother and son hugging in the kitchen at Christmas | Source: Getty Images

The original poster’s two younger children, aged 7 and 9, wholeheartedly embraced and believed in the magic of Santa Claus. However, her oldest daughter’s son didn’t reciprocate their sentiments due to his different upbringing.


“[My eldest daughter] raised [her son] not with the Santa magic, which is perfectly okay. [I] just rather not have it ruined for my children who do believe in Santa,” said OP of her grandson and how her daughter raised him.

A little girl in Santa Claus outfit | Source: Pexels

The Conflict between OP and Her Daughter

During the Christmas celebration at her home, the woman approached her daughter, asking her for a favor. “I asked my daughter if she’d please talk to her son, because I wouldn’t like the magic ruined for [my younger children],” recalled OP.

A Christmas tree | Source: Pexels

Despite placing gifts under the tree with “from Santa” labels and leaving out cookies and reindeer treats (bird seeds), she wanted to ensure the enchantment remained intact. However, her daughter’s response wasn’t the one she had expected. “My daughter told us she wouldn’t make her son lie, and my children are old enough to understand if her son decides to say something,” explained OP.

She wondered if not inviting her oldest daughter and grandson to Christmas really made her the antagonist in the family dynamics.

A young woman arguing with her senior mom | Source: Shutterstock

Faced with the disagreement over preserving the Christmas magic, the woman took a firm stance. She informed her daughter that they could spend Christmas at their own apartment if she would not discuss the matter with her son.

Unhappy with this proposition, her daughter accused her of prioritizing the happiness of the younger children over hers, deeming the decision entirely unreasonable. While the woman’s husband supported her, he suggested she might be a bit high-strung, considering the advancing age of their children.

Despite the differing opinions, the woman maintained her desire to safeguard the enchantment of Christmas for her younger ones. As she reflected on the situation, she wondered if not inviting her oldest daughter and grandson to Christmas really made her the antagonist in the family dynamics.

Sad mother and son sitting near the Christmas tree in the night light garlands. | Source: Getty Images

What Do Redditors Think?

The woman’s story gained traction on Reddit, garnering an overwhelming response from Redditors. Most commenters deemed OP an “AH” for how she handled the situation and chose to prefer a fictional character over her family. Let’s take a look at a few comments worth mentioning:

What are your thoughts on this story? In your opinion, was OP wrong for how she treated her daughter and grandson?