Do you notice red dots on your skin when you wake up and you don’t know what it could be? It could be bed bugs. The mere thought of having something walking on the bed while sleeping is horrifying,



Do you notice red dots on your skin when you wake up and you don’t know what it could be? It could be bed bugs.

The mere thought of having something walking on the bed while sleeping is horrifying, but it is important to recognize if the mattress is invaded by bedbugs as these very small creatures could cause a lot of damage. Be careful though, they have nothing to do with the classic bedbugs that appear in autumn and spring. But what are we talking about?



There are insects that are difficult to spot and that easily take up residence in our home. Some of them not only ruin our day, but even our night and this is the case with mattress bugs .


These bugs need blood to be able to feed themselves and they don’t care if the blood is from an animal or a human. The important thing is for them to find a fertile area in which they can proliferate. And this, even if the idea disgusts us, happens very often at home. The most serious thing is that many of these insects are even invisible and we cannot spot them easily. But not only. We risk finding ourselves invaded in a very short time.


Therefore, we need to understand and interpret the right signals in order to intervene in a timely manner. Furthermore, the bite of an insect such as the mattress bug is not a bite to be underestimated. Luckily we can rest assured if we have been bitten as they do not transmit diseases like mosquitoes or ticks.

What happens is that as colonies are made up of many members, our body will be invaded by numerous bites . Furthermore, after biting the bedbugs they go away, but various problems may arise on our body. The first of all is itching and scratching causes inflammation, irritation, hives, secondary infections and allergies.


The bite of these insects is easy to recognize because it is a red dot, generally consisting of another much darker dot in the center. Finally, it’s never just one bite. In fact, it is said that bedbugs form a real pattern with their bite and the areas most targeted are the neck, face, arms, legs and back.


How Can I Notice The Presence Of Bedbugs In The Bed?

Bedbug bites create quite a few inconveniences for people so it is very important to know how to recognize the presence of these insects in our home. In fact, the sooner we manage to eradicate the problem, the better it will be for everyone. First of all, it is a good idea to always check that our body does not have bites and if there are any, it is necessary to understand whether they are bites from bedbugs or other insects.


One clearly visible sign is the micro specks of blood on the bed and identifying them will not be easy both due to their size, but also because if you use dark sheets it will be almost impossible. A second foolproof method is to use a magnifying glass to check the entire bed.

Bedbugs have a tiny, oval-shaped body and are about 5 millimeters long. Their color tends towards brown with shades of red-black. Not only will they be alone, but it is also possible to spot their eggs which are white and oval. Another sign, even stranger, is the sweet smell that will be felt between the sheets. Be careful, these insects are not limited to the bed and mattress, but it is also important to check nearby pillowcases, pillows and drawers.

How To Prevent Bed Bugs?

To prevent the proliferation of bed bugs, the first step is certainly to maintain good and correct cleaning of the house in general. The second point is to wash sheets and curtains frequently and at fairly high temperatures (60 degrees).


It would be a good habit to add the use of disinfected products . As far as floors and carpets are concerned, it is a good idea to vacuum often and use the right products. If possible, every now and then the vaporetto.