Husband refuses to leave his wife after terrible fire destroys her face – shows the true meaning of love

Turia Pitt got caught in a bush fire during a marathon and sustained severe burns on 65% of her body. But her boyfriend remained by her side.

Former model Turia Pitt was running a marathon in Australia when she got trapped in a bush fire. She got severe burns on 65% of her body and her doctors weren’t sure if she would survive. At that point, her boyfriend, Michael Hoskin quit his job as a police officer to take care of her full-time. Despite the hard times ahead, he stayed by her side.

I remember thinking about Michael

Since the fire, Turi has undergone 200 operations. In addition to the severe burns over her body, she lost seven of her fingers and spent two years recovering. Recollecting the fire, Pitt said she felt a “bubbling feeling of panic.

On her website, she describes, “I remember the hot Kimberley sun beating down, burning my already burnt skin. I remember accidentally sitting on a bull ant nest. Staring in confusion as the ants started swarming across my legs. I remember trying to drink some water but spitting it out because it was boiling hot. I remember seeing bits of my skin stuck to the rocks and spinifex.”


Still, her thoughts turned to her boyfriend. “I remember thinking about Michael, my Michael,” she said. “I remember telling myself, ‘Think of his warm face, think of his honey voice, think of his golden skin. Keep thinking about Michael… I remember the sun starting to set, the heat starting to dissipate, the breeze becoming cold. I remember saying, I don’t know if I can stay much longer’. And then, I remember salvation.” [1]

That salvation came in the form of a helicopter. Later on, Pitt learned the helicopter pilot was Paul Cripp and he risked his life to save her and a few other runners. “He was my savior,” Pitt said. “…He was flying me towards help, to doctors and nurses and hospital air con and a glass of cold water. I also didn’t know how dangerous it had been for him to fly down the gorge to us. That balancing the chopper on one skid was the result of sheer gutsiness and extreme skill.

You’re beautiful

In 2015, Michael proposed to Turia with a diamond ring he had purchased when she was in intensive care four years prior. For two years, Turia had to wear a mask to aid her injuries. Throughout her recovery, Michael would tell her, “You’re beautiful.” They married in 2016 and they couldn’t be happier. It’s been tough for the last seven years.

Going to sleep next to my partner I never thought anything of before. Now I think how lucky am I get to sleep next to this beautiful man. He’s a good guy and I’m very lucky to have him,” Turia Pitt said. “Every day I wake up beside Michael is a great day.” [2]

Ever since the fire, the couple worked together to rebuild and move forward. “She doesn’t want people to feel sorry for her. She just wants to get on with her life,” Michael said. “She’s beautiful, she’s amazing.”

Becoming Parents

In an interview, Michael was asked, “Did you at any moment think about leaving her and hiring someone to take care of her and moving on with your life?

He responded, “I married her soul, her character, and she’s the only woman that will continue to fulfill my dreams.” [3]

On the post announcing their engagement, Turia wrote, “Stoked to have this beautiful man in my life! You bring out the best in me and I can’t wait for the rest of our lives together.

In 2017, Turia announced on Instagram that she was pregnant with their first child. Even though she wasn’t running a marathon that year, she explained that she was still keeping in shape.

And on December 7, 2017, Michael and Turia became parents to their son, Hakavai. Years later, on February 9, 2020, they welcomed their second son, Rahiti, into the world. 

When asked how becoming parents changed her relationship with Michael, Turia said,

Michael has always reminded me of the bigger picture, through my recovery and now as parents, too. While I’m always about challenging myself and encouraging others to do the same, I think the most important thing in life is your relationships with the people around you.” [4]