In a heartwarming story, an elderly woman named Merle, living in Victoria, Australia, wanted to maintain her independence while being close to family. Her daughter, Ferne, a tiny house designer, designed a stunning 23.5 x 8 ft home to meet her aging mother’s needs.

The home features wide entrances with ramps for accessibility, kitchen countertops designed for Merle’s height, and reinforced walls with handrails. The design also considered potential age-related changes, and the house has a beautiful patio with the option to be dismantled if needed.

The roof and walls provide insulation for winter, and motorized screens keep insects out. Merle chose the interior colors and designs, creating a home that truly feels like hers. The flat, non-slip floor, underfloor heating, and a unique bed-lifting feature make the home safe and comfortable for Merle, who navigates it easily with her walker.


The house is a thoughtful and practical gift from Ferne to her mother, creating a stylish and functional space for her to age gracefully.