Woman has one question she asks at every interview, which always gets her the job

A TikTok user went viral after sharing the one job interview question she always asks, leading to a discussion about sure ways to land a job.


Job interviews are generally pretty stressful. Moreover, most people have had at least one awkward and unsuccessful interview. However, one woman on TikTok has shared her secret for always landing a job. She discloses the one job interview question she always asks.

4 Types of Questions You Can Ask in an Interview

Asking questions like these will not only look good to prospective employers. It will also allow a deeper understanding of the job description, work environment, and overall goals or expectations. That way, both parties can accurately evaluate whether or not it’s a good fit. Asking about things like tasks, colleagues’ personalities, or the company’s values are great ways to gain insight while seemingly staying engaged and professional.

1. Job Interview Questions about Specifics

coworkers have fun cooperating working together at office meeting

When considering a job opportunity, gathering as much information as possible is crucial to ensure that the role aligns with your career goals and expectations. Here are some questions you can ask a prospective employer to learn more about the job specifics

  • What are the most important tasks I’ll be expected to complete in the first 90 days?
  • What’s the performance review process like here? How often would I be formally reviewed?
  • What are the most immediate projects that I would take on? Or how long until I’ll be… (meeting with clients, taking on projects without supervision, etc.)
  • Can I expect my main role or tasks to change within the first six months?

2. Job Interview Questions to Know the Team

Two happy friendly diverse professionals

When considering a job opportunity, it’s important to learn about the team dynamics and the work environment in which you’ll potentially be working. Here are some questions you can ask a prospective employer to gather insights about your potential colleagues and the overall workplace culture.

  • Can you tell me about the team or colleagues I’ll be working with?
  • Who will I work with most closely? What other departments or units will I interact with?
  • What are the team’s biggest challenges? Do they work well together to overcome them? Do they prefer to break up into smaller teams?
  • Is there anything that I should read before starting that would help me have a shared understanding with my colleagues?

3. Job Interview Questions to Better Know Your Boss

female employee in suit is smiling during the job interview

When interviewing with a prospective employer, asking thoughtful questions about the company and its leadership can demonstrate your genuine interest and help you gather valuable insights.

  • How long have you been with the company?
  • What’s your favorite part of working here?
  • What has been your most rewarding project?

4. Better Understanding the Company

Business people shaking hands after meeting

Asking these questions will allow you to better understand the company’s culture, values, growth prospects, and how it aligns with your career goals. Some other things to think about:

  • How would you describe the company’s values?
  • What are the company’s plans for growth and development? What have previous employees in my position gone on to accomplish? How have they moved up within the company?
  • What’s the most exciting part of the company’s future? What can I expect my responsibilities to look like as the company grows?
  • What are employees most often surprised by when they start employment here?

Revealing the Job Interview Question

Jennifer Reardon is a TikTok user who went viral a few months ago for her groundbreaking advice, one job interview question she always asks prospective employers. She states that she’s “been offered the position for every job” she’s “interviewed for.” Along with other helpful suggestions, such as “do your interview, be normal,” Jennifer shares that the end of the interview is when this job interview question will most come in handy.

At the end of the interview, the last question you should ask is, “Are there any concerns that you have about me that we can address before we end?” Jennifer explains in her video that she’s always had great success with this. “You guys, they will have concerns, and then that’s your time to address them and then once you’re done addressing them, they’ll have no concerns,” she concludes.

@notjenneeree | TikTok
Image Credit: @notjenneeree | TikTok

Like everything else, any situation will always have pros and cons. This great suggestion for a job interview question is no different. While many viewers agreed this could be incredibly advantageous, others quickly pointed out that it “puts interviewers on the spot.” One commented, “I’ve tried this, I just get weird looks, after followed by them saying something like, ‘No we already asked you everything’ in a sarcastic tone.” Meanwhile, another user suggested another way to word Jennifer’s wise job interview question. “I say: what reservations do you have about my abilities to perform this role? HIRED!!” They explained.

So, How Should You Prepare For a Job Interview?

While going in for an interview is undeniably daunting, it’s helpful to be prepared. Some of that includes asking or answering the proper job interview questions, while some may be as simple as just knowing how to navigate a conversation in a positive manner. Fortunately, experts at Harvard Business Review shared their wisdom, giving you a possible leg up in future professional endeavors. Here are some other questions that may make your interview worthwhile.

Last impressions can often be just as important as first impressions. A great closing job interview question to ask might be something along the lines of:

  • What are the next steps of the hiring process?
  • Is there anything you would like me to clarify about my qualifications?

Bonus: Questions You May Want to Avoid

Here are some questions prospective employees should avoid asking during a job interview, as they might appear unprofessional or inappropriate.

  • Any questions regarding “paid time off” or health benefits. This shows prospective employers you’re not interested in the job, only the salary or benefits.
  • Asking about how soon you would be eligible for a raise – Wait for the appropriate time, such as after receiving an offer or once you’ve been in the position for a while, to discuss compensation and raises.
  • While it’s important to understand the company’s leave policies, asking this too early might give the impression that you’re more interested in time off than the job itself.

Asking these job interview questions can be really helpful for prospective employees and employers. But just knowing which questions to ask isn’t the only element of a successful job interview. It’s also important to know what questions may need to be answered. It’s also important to have good hygiene, dress appropriately, be engaged, and try to maintain eye contact. If making eye contact isn’t the easiest, some experts have suggested picking another point on the other person’s face, such as forehead or nose, or rotating between making eye contact and moving to the aforementioned parts of the face. It’s also important to “articulate your value” and be on time, which means 10-15 minutes early.