Why it is Better to Shower at Night

If you are a staunch night-showerer, you're in luck: Experts say showering at night before bed is the best time to do it. Here's why.


Are you a staunch morning showerer, or do you prefer showering at night? According to science, if you are in the latter group, you may just be on to something. It turns out that showering at night has a whole host of benefits for your skin, sleep, and overall health.

Why You Should Start Showering At Night

Experts say showering at night is important for many reasons. First of all, it separates the day from the night and makes sure you go to bed clean. These are both important for a few reasons.

Helps You Sleep

One of the biggest issues people face nightly that affects their health is lack of sleep. Besides going to bed too late, many people simply struggle to fall asleep. Once they do, their sleep quality is poor. Showering at night helps to improve your ability to sleep.

“A nighttime shower is an integral part of your ‘preparing for bed’ routine. It’s time for you – no phone, no emails, just the luxury of fresh, warm water flowing over your body. Call it an opportunity to shower yourself with mindfulness!” says Sleep Ambassador Nancy Rothstein. (1)

Taking a shower before bed sort of “washes the day” off. It gives you some “you” time to disconnect and relax. Also, having a set bedtime routine also prepares our minds and body for sleep time. When we get a good night’s sleep, nearly every part and system in our bodies feel the difference. 

“Showering artificially raises the temperature again and allows for a faster cool down, which seems to hasten sleep.” says psychologist and sleep expert Dr. Janet Kennedy. (2)

It’s Good For Your Skin

By the end of the day, your skin has been exposed to a lot of different things. Dirt, grime, bacteria, and other external factors. On top of that, there are internal factors such as oil and free radical production. Washing this all away before you sleep is very important. When you go to bed with clean skin, your skin cells do a better job of recuperating overnight. This means you wake up fresh-faced and glowy.

The way you shower, however, is important. Unfortunately, long, hot showers are not the answer. Rather, lukewarm ones that last for five to 10 minutes are the best for your skin. They wash away the grime without completely stripping your skin of oils. 

“Very hot showers tend to take the oil off your skin, and tend to irritate your skin,” said dermatologist Dr. Gary Goldenburg. “The longer you are in the water, the higher the chance it is going to dry your skin.”

Showering before bed can help acne sufferers because you are keeping your sheets cleaner. When you don’t shower, your bedsheets absorb the oils and bacteria left on your skin. You then crawl into bed each night that way, with oil and bacteria building up and affecting your skin.

Better For Allergies

For those who struggle with allergies, showering at night can also make their allergies better. This is because when you go to bed without showering, any pollen and other allergens left on your skin have now contaminated your bed. You then sleep all night in those allergens.

“If you come in with pollen or chemicals on your body and go to bed without showering, you’ll contaminate [your bed],” said dermatology professor Dr. George Cotsarelis. (3)

If you have trouble with night sweats, you may also find yourself better off showering at night. By taking a cool showering, you cool your skin and inner temperature. This can help prevent you from overheating as you sleep.

The Positives Of Morning Showering

All of this said, the experts are clear that showering in the morning isn’t bad for you. If you are washing your hair, for example, it is better to do so in the morning. This is because going to bed with a wet head can actually damage your hair.

Showering in the morning can help wake you up and provide you with a private space for meditation and mindfulness before you start your day. For many people, this is their personal “calm before the storm” moment.

“Brief morning showers with a 15 to 30-second cold plunge can help with awakening and stimulating blood circulation,” said allergist, internist, and the chief medical officer at healthcare company Engaging Healthy Employees Tania Elliot. (4)

If you are someone who prefers to work out in the morning, then you most definitely should shower after your workout. It is not good for your skin as well as other aspects of your health to not shower post-workout. 

The Bottom Line

There are benefits to both showering in the morning and at nighttime. You should not start doing both, as this will likely just dry out your skin and make it worse. Rather, doing what works best for you and your daily routines is your best bet. In this case, focus on how you are showering over when: Not too hot and not too long. This way your whole body can reap the benefits.