Boy Who Got Bullied by a Girl at School for 6 Years Grows up & Sends Her a Stuffed Bear

A boy made the mistake of liking a girl who turned out to be a complete bully. His crush mocked him for six years, and it took a toll on his self-esteem. A decade later, he was able to seek revenge.
  • A boy made the mistake of liking a girl who turned out to be a complete bully.
  • His crush mocked him for six years, and it took a toll on his self-esteem.
  • A decade later, he was able to seek revenge.
A bullied boy | Source: Shutterstock

A bullied boy | Source: Shutterstock

A boy took to Reddit to share his horrific story with a girl who made it her business to ruin his school life. Years later, their paths crossed again.

The boy was going through it when he was in middle school. Not only did he have to move towns, but he was also grieving the loss of his dad, who passed away in the military.

A group of school kids | Source: Shutterstock

A group of school kids | Source: Shutterstock


The boy's mother wanted a fresh start – that meant moving to a place where nobody knew them. From living in a small town, they got an apartment in a big city.

For two years, the boy's mom grieved his father. It took her that long to be open to dating again.

A happy family | Source: Shutterstock

A happy family | Source: Shutterstock

Eventually, she found the perfect man for her, and they married. The boy now had a stepdad and a half-sister. He had nothing but kind words to say about his stepfather. He was kind and treated both the boy and his mother well.

However, despite this new life, the boy had difficulty adjusting. He was happy in their hometown – he had a good set of friends and was always active.

Lonely boy | Source: Shutterstock

Lonely boy | Source: Shutterstock

In the big city, however, he felt depressed and didn't have a lot of friends. To make matters worse, he entered his new school in the middle of the year when everyone already formed their groups of friends.

Rather than trying to find a group, he just stayed home after school and played video games. Unfortunately, it took a toll on his health. Compared to his nice figure back when he lived in his hometown, the boy became chunky and a bit out of shape. Not obese, but to him, still chunky.

Boy playing video games | Source: Shutterstock

Boy playing video games | Source: Shutterstock


The boy was attracted to a woman in his classes named Lindsay. She was pretty, popular, and the first girl he'd ever had a crush on.

As time passed, the boy thought he made friends. There were two boys, Allan and Joey, who allowed him to tag along whenever they were at school. One day, they started talking about their crushes. He admitted he had a crush on Lindsay but asked the two boys not to tell her.

An upset boy | Source: Shutterstock

An upset boy | Source: Shutterstock

A Harmless Crush Changed His Life

However, later that day, Lindsay passed him a note. His heart fluttered, and he felt nervous. A part of him wondered whether Lindsay liked him back.

When he opened the note, he turned red. He'd usually only get red whenever he was nervous or sad. Inside the note, Lindsay wrote: "I DON'T LIKE YOU."

Passing notes in class | Source: Shutterstock

Passing notes in class | Source: Shutterstock

Upon reading it, the boy realized everyone inside the classroom was looking at him, giggling. He was so embarrassed that he felt sick.

When he asked to go to the nurse, everybody laughed. He stayed at the nurse's office the entire day. Unfortunately, the torment never ended. When he rode the school bus home, everyone was laughing at him, too.

A lonely boy and a group of kids behind him | Source: Shutterstock

A lonely boy and a group of kids behind him | Source: Shutterstock


Two days later, the boy got called into the principal's office. He claimed a student complained that he was stalking her.

It was then that the boy realized Lindsay made it her business to get him into trouble. Soon, everybody labeled him as the "creepy stalker," "hillbilly," "White trash redneck," and many other foul names.

A bullied teenager | Source: Shutterstock

A bullied teenager | Source: Shutterstock

Meanwhile, Lindsay was more popular than ever for being brave enough to "speak up." After the principal told him to leave Lindsay alone, he was dumbstruck.

He never said a word to Lindsay, nor did he send any notes. He never even stared at her.

Popular girls at school | Source: Shutterstock

Popular girls at school | Source: Shutterstock


In the eighth grade, during Valentine's Day, he got a candygram. It was when a student would purchase a candy bar and add a note to send to another. The message read: "STOP STALKING ME, FREAK."

In high school, the man had gone through a growth spurt. He was 6'5" and was no longer skinny. In fact, he was buff. Allan and Joey knew not to mess with him. However, he remained awkward around women.

A lonely boy | Source: Shutterstock

A lonely boy | Source: Shutterstock

Whenever girls showed interest, he'd reject them most of the time. So, they labeled him as homosexual. Others said that Lindsay warned them about him being a stalker and how she was harassed in middle school.

Eventually, after everyone labeled him homosexual, he started receiving derogatory notes in his locker. After slipping the custodian some cash, he allowed the boy to look at the surveillance cameras in the hallway.

An upset boy | Source: Shutterstock

An upset boy | Source: Shutterstock

He discovered the boy slipping the notes into the locker and approached him while he was with his girlfriend. He warned him that the next time he found a message in the locker, he was going to look weak, not just in front of his girlfriend but the entire school. Before driving off, he admitted that it was Lindsay and his friends behind it. He never got a note from the man after.

To make matters worse, the hatred Lindsay had for the boy translated online. He and Joey found a fake page that stole photos from the boy's real account and even used his name. "It was full of hateful, homophobic slurs and accusing me of being a stalker," the boy revealed.

A smiling girl | Source: Shutterstock

A smiling girl | Source: Shutterstock


Life After His Tormenting School Days

Years later, the man moved on and became a successful accountant. He'd still kept his good figure and eventually reconnected with Joey, who applied for a job at the man's accounting firm.

Through Joey, he discovered that their school was having a reunion. The man had no plans of attending and simply told Joey to tell others he said hi.

Men working | Source: Shutterstock

Men working | Source: Shutterstock


Eventually, his curiosity got the best of him, and he searched for Lindsay on social media. He discovered that Lindsay was a divorced mom looking to date. Unfortunately, she didn't age well.

He set up an account in the dating app she was in and began speaking to her. For weeks, they spoke and finally decided to go on a date.

A laughing man | Source: Shutterstock

A laughing man | Source: Shutterstock

Rather than meeting her in person, the man asked a courier to deliver a bear to her while waiting for him at the table. The bear held a note that read: "I DON'T LIKE YOU, LINDSAY."

When Lindsay blew up his phone with messages, he sent her only one reply: "STOP STALKING ME, LINDSAY."

An upset woman | Source: Shutterstock

An upset woman | Source: Shutterstock


It might have been petty to others, but the man got the closure he needed after years of bullying from the woman. It was the revenge he needed to do to move past the trauma finally.

That day, he went home to the sound of his wife and daughter laughing, and it was all he needed. He had the best life, and his middle school and high school days were behind him.

A happy family | Source: Shutterstock

A happy family | Source: Shutterstock

In another story, a 5-year-old girl was bullied for her fat tummy. She silenced her bullies and made her worried mom proud.