There are multiple telltale clues that someone may be cheating or is at least in the process of doing so! For example, smelling a new perfume on a shirt is a sign, and there are also more obvious sign

There are multiple telltale clues that someone may be cheating or is at least in the process of doing so! For example, smelling a new perfume on a shirt is a sign, and there are also more obvious signs that require a more subtle and close eye. However, sometimes a sign could be a false alarm, yet it still requires additional investigation. Here are some of the trickiest and diverse signs that your partner is cheating and sleeping with someone else.

1.Sex is No Longer Exciting
You should gradually consider the possibility that they may be involved with someone else if you notice a sudden decline in interest.

2.It’s Not Fun Around You Anymore
In various cases, they will be less excited to spend time with you or won't pay close attention to your conversations. How has your partner changed over time? Keep an eye on their actions and analyze them carefully. A lack of excitement may also extend beyond the bedroom.

3.Long Delays in Communication
If your partner hasn't taken on new responsibilities, then it's possible someone else may be taking up their time and attention. Occasional delays are fine, but if this becomes a recurring issue, rest assured that something's wrong. Did your partner used to be readily available in the past? Do they seem to take longer to respond these days?

4.Your Partner is Always Late
There's always a convenient excuse when your partner is routinely late. Occasionally working a late shift shouldn't raise any red flags, but what if it becomes the norm? If yes, it's a sign!

5.Look at Your Finances
If you live together, pay close attention to your overall expenses and earnings. Maybe someone claims to be working extra hours, but they never have anything to show for it. Especially if you feel the bills have gotten tighter over time, your partner may be spending the money elsewhere.

6.They Suddenly Carry a Second Phone
It's not common to carry two cell phones unless your job strictly requires it. Your partner may claim to have an extra phone for convenience, but it may also be used for something far more sinister. Is it password protected? Is it under a different carrier? If the reasons are supposedly innocent, then why is the phone so mysterious?

7.They’re Way Too Open

Were they this relaxed before in showing you their phone? Why would they suddenly open up and let you inspect it? They may have a secret phone hidden away, and they're using the normal one as a decoy.

8.Your Partner is More Giving
If they suddenly shower you with gifts for no particular reason, it may be a telltale sign of guilt. Use this opportunity to observe them and uncover the truth behind this change in behavior.

9.There’s Suddenly a Special Friend
What if your partner's "special friend" just appeared out of nowhere without your prior knowledge? While everyone has close friends or people they consider family, you should observe this sign.

10.Your Partner is More Forgetful
This could mean their attention is elsewhere. They may be too preoccupied to care about you or overwhelmed with handling two people at the same time. Gradually, your partner may become more forgetful about many things, big and small, especially if they're related to you.

11.Less Family Time
If there's suddenly little to no family time, your partner may be cheating. Perhaps they were the life of the party before, but now they're hardly present. On the contrary, your partner may keep these events short because they're afraid of being somewhere else.

12.They’re Cold and Distant
Thoughtfully compare their current behavior to how they used to be, then draw a logical conclusion from there. For instance, does your loved one seem more distant in general or possibly more moody and cold? Maybe they're protecting themselves whereas before they were far more receptive?

13.Their Everyday Behavior Has Changed
Is your partner stepping away to take specific calls while remaining available for others? If this person was messy and you don't live together, is their place suddenly clean every time you visit? It's all about putting the pieces together in combination with other peculiar features.

14.Picking Up Unusual Habits
If someone who previously showed no interest in sports suddenly becomes interested, it could be because an outside party has influenced their preferences.

15.Questionable Things in Your Surroundings
Look at your surroundings for anything out of the ordinary over a period of weeks or months. For example, do meal receipts consistently show food for two people on multiple occasions? Are there residual signs of two cups being in the car's cup holder? Pay attention to these signs that demand your attention.