Mom Leaves Itemized Note for Babysitter as an Experiment

A mom went viral on TikTok after sharing a note she left for her son’s babysitter.

Mom Leaves Itemized Note for Babysitter as an Experiment

A mom went viral on TikTok after sharing a note she left for her son’s babysitter.

As Katrina Ivan revealed on TikTok, the letter was a social experiment of sorts. As the science teacher continued, she wanted to see if more money was involved, if her son’s babysitter would be more incentivized to also help her around the house.


While Katrina pays her son’s baby sitter to simply keep an eye on her son, she decided to leave a note with a to-do list on it as well. For each task the babysitter completed she would receive extra money.


The to-do list was itemized with how much each task was worth. So $10 to organize the toys or $15 for cleaning the refrigerator.

mom babysitter

As the note began, Katrina told her sitter that she was “more than welcome to hang out and watch TV all night, but if you want to make some extra [cash], these jobs are up for grabs.”

At the end of the note, the mom wrote, “Just let me know if you decide to do any of these and the grand total I owe you on top of the babysitting money. Thanks for being here.”


As Katrina explained in the caption of her post, she is a “teacher and I have a small business that is in the busy season. Little things have been let go for too long. If my sitter decides to do this, I’ll be forever grateful. If not, I’ll get to it later like I already had planned.”

Other moms in the comments were quick to share their opinions. Some were completely on board with the experiment.


“I think this is a great opportunity for your babysitter. You’re giving a choice, and I love that,” one commenter wrote. “This is a great idea!! Sometimes it’s boring to just to sit and watch tv, this makes time go by quicker and sometimes it’s things I would do to help,” another added.

While some other moms thought maybe the price of each task was a bit too small. “I think $10 is too cheap for some of these tasks considering the amount of work/size of the mess,” someone added, to which Katrina replied, saying, “I’ll definitely be restructuring the prices to make this more fair in the future. Thanks for the advice.”


However, as Katrina told Today, the cost of living in Missouri is “pretty cheap,” and considering her babysitter is only a high school senior, her original rate were “standard.”

After giving the note to her babysitter, Katrina told Today that the sitter was very much on board to make some extra cash. “She was like, ‘Heck ya!’ and got to work right away. I left all the supplies out for her so she didn’t have to feel weird hunting around for things.”


Is this something you might consider doing they next time your babysitter comes to help?