Bride Cancels Wedding When Guests Say No To $1200 Price Tag

Ask any bride and they will tell you, weddings can be expensive. Some brides will do their best to plan a budget wedding, but if you take...


Ask any bride and they will tell you, weddings can be expensive. Some brides will do their best to plan a budget wedding, but if you take part in any kind of festivity associated with the event, it is going to hit you in the pocketbook.

One bride who wanted a lavish wedding decided that it would be the best thing for the guests to foot the bill. She even asked them to fork over some cash, just for the privilege of being invited to the wedding.

The bride wanted them each to send her about $1200 for the invitation. In the end, however, only eight of the guests sent in an RSVP with the payment. Things didn’t go well for the couple at that point.

Considering the fact that most of her friends and family members are likely struggling just to get by from day-to-day, spending $1200 each on a lavish wedding is not really is there radar. The bride, however, was not happy with what happened.

She went on social media, and the bride, Susan, said: “Dear friends, it comes with great sadness that I am announcing the cancellation of the wedding. I apologise for cancelling only four days beforehand.

“Unfortunately, [fiancé] and I have broken up due to some recent and irreparable problems. We have decided to end our relationship and not go forth with any future proceedings.”

Despite the fact that the response wasn’t what she had expected, she didn’t have much of an apology to give. She just said: “I specifically, I mean specifically asked for cash gifts. How could we have our wedding that we dreamed of without proper funding?

“We’d sacrificed so much and only asked each guest for around $1,500 [Canadian].”

“My maid of honor pledged $5,000 [Canadian] along with her planning services. We tearfully thanked and accepted. My ex’s family offered to contribute $3,000.

“So our request for $1,500 for all other guests was not f***ing out of the ordinary. Like, we made it clear. If you couldn’t contribute, you weren’t invited to our exclusive wedding. It’s a once and a lifetime party [sic].”

To put it in perspective, she was asked for a handout. She justified it by saying: “Since our love was like a fairytale, we wanted an extravagant blow out wedding… A local psychic told us to go with the most expensive option, and we thought why the hell not?”

Too bad nobody else was on board with her ideal.