‘Such a monster!’ A large snake was discovered by a hiker near a creek in South Carolina.

A South Carolina hiker wandering near a creek was astonished to discover a massive snake lying near the creek’s edge. According to The State of Columbia, Meredith Langley photographed the reptile at


A South Carolina hiker wandering near a creek was astonished to discover a massive snake lying near the creek’s edge.

According to The State of Columbia, Meredith Langley photographed the reptile at Jeffries Creek Park in Florence and uploaded the photos on Facebook.

“Take note of how effectively he blends in with his environment,” Langley wrote in her piece. “This was a great teaching opportunity and example for my kids, who often forget not to rush ahead of me on hikes!” she said.

The tweet drew hundreds of comments and was shared by over 1,000 individuals on social networking.


“He’s probably already swallowed somebody,” one poster quipped, adding, “I ain’t going on no trails.”

“Such a monster!” Someone else wrote.

According to Sean Foley, curator of herpetology at the Riverbanks Zoo & Garden in Columbia, the reptile is a harmless watersnake, most likely a brown watersnake.

Watersnakes, while considered harmless, try to convince potential predators that they are venomous cottonmouths, according to Foley of McClatchy News.


“If they are surrounded or at*acked, they will defend themselves by flattening their heads, striking, and shaking their tails in leaves,” according to Foley. “All of this makes them appear deadly to would-be predators in the hopes of being left alone.”

This is when terrified builders discovered a 33-FEET-LONG anaconda on a Brazilian building site.

The massive reptile, weighing 63 stone, was discovered by workers after they conducted a controlled explosion in the Cave of Altamira in the northern state of Para.

Construction workers in Brazil discovered a 33-foot-long anaconda.


The beast was discovered while they were conducting a controlled experiment.

One of the crew members’ video footage pans along the snake’s massive body, which measures one meter in circumference.


After a frightening discovery, the workers chained the animal to a crane. They lifted it to reveal its yellow spotted underbelly – a move which was criticizedin the comments when the clip was uploaded to YouTube.

Medusa, a snake in Kansas City, US, presently holds the Guinness World Record for the longest snake in captivity, measuring 25 feet 2 inches.