Rich Guy Humiliates Disabled Waiter Who Later Teaches Him a Valuable Lesson – Story of the Day

College kid Alex is used to getting by on his daddy's dime, but his father forces him to work to earn his new car when he is rude to a server at a cafe. But could Alex rise to the challenge?


College kid Alex is used to getting by on his daddy's dime, but his father forces him to work to earn his new car when he is rude to a server at a cafe. But could Alex rise to the challenge?


Alex sat at a table in a cafe, scrolling through his phone. Eric, the waiter, a conscientious young man in his early twenties, approached him with a nervous expression.

"What can I get you, sir?" he asked.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Sir?" Alex sneered, not looking at the waiter. "Do I look like an old man? I'll have a double espresso."

"Sorry, was that a double or single?" Eric asked.

"What, are you deaf?" Alex said unkindly. "I said double. Black, no sugar."

Alex went back to scrolling on his phone. His father had promised to buy him a luxury car if he got good grades in school, but Alex had failed his last math test.


A few minutes later, the waiter returned, "Here you go, enjoy."

"What is this?" Alex asked, glaring at the waiter. "I said black; why is there milk in this?"

Eric's face fell. "I'm so sorry."

"If I were your boss, I'd fire you. Now go bring me what I asked for," Alex snapped.

Eric's face turned red. "Right away," he said and hurried away.

A few moments later, a distinguished man, Bill, joined Alex at his table. "Hello, Son," he said with a smile.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe

"Hey, Dad," Alex said, putting down his phone. "Just waiting for my coffee. The waiter is an imbecile."


Alex's father frowned. "Alex, that's not very nice. I'm disappointed in you. You need to learn to be more respectful of people, even if they make mistakes."

Just then, Eric returned with Alex's new coffee. "Here you go, sir. Double espresso, black, on the house."

Alex looked up at Eric and said, "Took you long enough."

Eric turned to Bill. "What can I get you, sir?" he asked.

"Flat white, please," Bill replied.

Alex leaned in closer toward Bill. "Sorry, I didn't catch that, sir," he said.

"Flat white," Bill said more loudly than before, looking straight at Alex.

"Got it, thank you, sir," Alex said, moving off.

"You know," Bill started, "that waiter is trying his best. He's probably overworked. You should be more understanding. Everyone deserves respect, Alex. If you can't grasp that, I don't know what to tell you."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"Spare me the lecture and just get me a new car," Alex confidently suggested.

Bill raised an eyebrow. "You're headed for trouble, son."

Ignoring his father's words, Alex showed him an article about luxury cars appreciating in value. He pitched buying a BMW M1 as an investment.

"That's a $500k car, Alex. The average new car is around $50k. I won't buy you a car ten times that," Bill countered.

"But it's an investment! It could appreciate 25%," Alex pleaded.

"Alex, stop. Just forget it. Given your attitude, I'm rethinking the car altogether. How are your grades?" Bill questioned.

Alex admitted his struggles with math. "But I passed statistics."

"That's not enough. To succeed, you have to excel. And don't assume you'll just walk into my company. You'll have to earn it," Bill stated.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"But you always give me what I want," Alex protested.

"Not this time," Bill declared, deciding not to reward Alex's disrespectful attitude.

Alex stared, baffled. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," Bill continued, "you're about to learn a lesson."

"But I don't want a job," Alex said. "I don't need to work. I'm in college. And you're rich."

"I am wealthy," his father said. "But I earned my money the hard way. You need to learn the value of hard work. I'm getting you a job."

Alex stared at his father in disbelief. "What's the job? Will I be an intern for you?" he asked.

Bill held up a hand to signal for Eric, who bundled over as soon as he could.

"What can I get you for lunch, gents?" Eric asked. Bill and Alex quickly looked at the menu and placed their orders.

"Oh, please ask your manager to come over," Bill added.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"Sure," Eric said with a worried look. "I apologize for the coffee earlier, sir; my mistake."

"Oh, don't worry about that," Bill said, "it's another matter entirely."

The cafe manager, Reggie, came over, asking what they needed. Bill wondered if they were short-staffed, and the manager confirmed it. Then, the imposing businessman dropped a bomb.

"My son and I were just talking here, and as it happens, he needs a job. He can start right now if you like," Bill said.

Reggie looked at Alex, wondering if he had any experience. The spoiled college kid didn't, but after a discussion, the manager agreed to take him on. Bill warned Reggie that his son couldn't quit unless he caused something genuinely damaging.

"What! Is this getting out of hand? How long do I have to work here?" Alex asked.

"For the entire summer vacation. If you stick it out, then we can talk about a car. And not a BMW, mind you, an ordinary, average car to get you from A to B."

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe



Alex showed up for work at the cafe the next day, nervous and apprehensive. He didn't want to be there, but he had no choice. The manager assigned him the first table with a couple. "What can I get you folks?" he asked, pen and paper at the ready.

"We'll have a latte and a macchiato to start," the woman said. "Almond milk in both, please."

"Um, we only have coffee," Alex said uncertainly. "You know, espresso?"

The couple looked confused and explained. Alex apologized and said it was his first day. He wrote down the orders and took it to the counter. He stood awkwardly in front of the espresso machine.

"How does this thing work?" Alex turned a knob, and steam came pumping out, catching him by surprise. Eric was watching him from a few feet away, smiling to himself. Alex was making a fool of himself with the machine.

Alex looked around in panic and saw Eric watching him. He looked back quickly and pretended to know what he was doing. Finally, Eric went to his side. "What's the order?" he asked.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


Alex told him to the orders, and Eric smiled, getting everything ready. He showed the newbie how to do everything and which buttons to press.

After his lesson, Alex nodded, thanked him, and asked about making a latte. Eric stayed silent and asked if he should finish the order for him. Alex nodded eagerly.

The experienced waiter nodded and finished the drinks. Once ready, Alex whisked them away. He was gone only a few seconds, jogging back to the coffee bar in panic. "I forgot it's supposed to be almond milk," he said.

Eric decided to take over, ordering Alex to take all the orders from his tables, too. When the morning rush ended, Alex thanked him. They started talking about their pasts, and Eric wondered why the college kid was suddenly working there.

Alex explained and apologized for his rudeness the previous day. He learned a lot about the experienced waiter during their break. But he also noticed that Eric asked him to repeat things several times.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"Hey, man, are you deaf or something?" Alex asked without thinking. Eric looked sad, but he said nothing. Alex thought he must not have heard him, so he leaned in closer and said loudly, "Eric, can you not hear me?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Eric asked in return. "I'm losing my hearing."

Alex was surprised, and Eric explained that he had only started noticing it a few months ago. Alex asked if there was anything he could do to help out, and the experienced waiter had an idea. They divided their work differently, with Alex taking and writing orders while Eric handled the coffee machine.

After their shift, Alex was shocked to learn that Eric had to go to his other job at a restaurant. He admired his new friend for that, but Eric said it was taking its toll on him. His hearing was only getting worse. He was also afraid of being fired for getting things wrong.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


Alex said that would be illegal, but Eric said he could be replaced easily. Fortunately, he was working with doctors on getting expensive hearing aids. Hence, he had to work two jobs.

They talked for a while longer. Alex learned where Eric lived and more about his family. The experience was also the breadwinner of his house. After their conversation, Alex offered to pay for an Uber to his restaurant, and Eric agreed readily.

When they arrived and Eric got out, Alex yelled, "Hey, Eric, I have an idea. I'll tell you about it soon!" He then left on the Uber to his house.


Alex and Eric continued to work together at the cafe for the next few months. Alex helped Eric by covering for him when he couldn't hear something. He would also go to the table with Eric and ask the customers to repeat their orders.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


The college kid always paid for an Uber to take Eric to his second job, and they kept talking. One day, Alex said he wanted to help with the aids. But the procedure cost a whopping $60,000 while the aids were around $5,000.

"Okay, that's a lot of money," Alex whistled. "But I think we can figure it out."

"How?" Eric asked, unsure.

Alex explained his idea, detailing his father's job and how he would invest to make enough money for the procedure. Eric didn't want to inconvenience anyone, but Alex was determined. His new friend had inspired him.

Alex met his father at a bar a few nights later. The older man asked how everything was going. Alex said he only had one month to go and get his car, but Bill chuckled. Then, they talked about Eric and how it would be good to invest his money.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


Eric had saved up around $10,000, but Bill was concerned. Investments were significant risks. But Alex had a big plan. After, his father smiled and said, "It could work. Let's do it."


Soon, Alex's final day as a cafe waiter rolled around, and his father popped in to commemorate his son's achievement. Bill expressed his pride, and Alex beamed. The older man suggested Eric should join them for the celebration.

Bill thanked Eric for helping his son in every way possible and gave Alex a nod so they could finally reveal their plan.

"So, Eric, we looked at the numbers," Alex started. "The average price of a new car is around forty-eight thousand dollars. I've decided to give that money to you. It's not like I need a car right now. And I know how important it is for you to be able to hear again properly."

Eric's mouth dropped. But Alex explained that they had to invest because that money was not enough. In a month, he was hopeful that the returns would be enough.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Youtube/DramatizeMe


"Thank you," the experienced waiter said through tears, but Bill interjected, expressing again that he had him to thank for his newly inspired son. Then, Alex and Eric returned to work.

Bill watched as they hugged behind the counter and started their duties. His chest couldn't have been fuller.

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