My Grandma Dies without Leaving Her 6 Kids a Dime - Her Old Note Explains Everything

In a poignant revelation, a woman shared her grandmother's decision to leave nothing to her six children, accompanied by an explicit wish that none attend her funeral. The rationale behind these ch


In a heart-wrenching tale of family estrangement and the emotional complexities of inheritance, a TikTok video reveals why a grandmother chose to leave her entire estate to one granddaughter, shedding light on deep-seated family issues through a decades-old note.


On December 2, 2022, a woman named Alaina turned to TikTok to share a moving narrative that resonated with many. The story revolved around her grandmother's death in July of that year, exposing the depth of alienation and the harsh realities a family fraught with personal demons might face.

Alaina, who maintained a unique connection with her grandmother, was the outlier in a family where each of the six children, including her mother, had become estranged due to various challenges such as addiction, abuse, and neglect.


The grandmother, described by Alaina as having been forsaken and ignored by her own family, lived her final days in profound solitude, except for the bond she shared with Alaina.

This decision highlighted the deep rifts within the family, which Alaina's grandmother addressed in a note discovered by Alaina while cleaning her grandma's house.

In the months before the grandmother's death, a significant moment came when Alaina encouraged her younger sister, her closest ally, to reconnect with their grandmother.


Despite years of silence, the sister made the call, spurred by Alaina's encouragement. However, the conversation did not go as hoped. The grandmother, mistaking Alaina's sister for Alaina, expressed her disappointment and fear of being forgotten, revealing her expectation for daily communication.

Alaina's sister's reaction to this call was immediate and final. She labeled their grandmother as "evil," deeply affected by the grandmother's tone and response. This led her to decide against any future connection, a choice cemented by the grandmother's subsequent death.

Alaina sharing her moving story, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

Alaina sharing her moving story, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

In a surprising turn, the grandmother's will disclosed that she had left everything to Alaina, a gesture highlighting their close relationship but also sparking curiosity and possibly contention within the family, especially on the day the grandmother passed away.


Alaina hinted at the complexities surrounding the will and the family's reaction, promising more details in a follow-up video. Continuing her narrative, Alaina focused on the emotional turmoil following her grandmother's death, especially regarding the inheritance and her relationship with her sister.


In a later TikTok video titled "Part 2: Do I split my inheritance with my sister or not?" Alaina faced a moral dilemma that tested the bonds of sisterhood and fairness. She was surprised and hurt by her sister's immediate interest in the will's contents on the night of their grandmother's death.

Alaina described her sister as "an amazing person" with commendable qualities but also acknowledged her self-centeredness and manipulative tendencies. The discussion between the sisters was tense, unveiling long-standing issues of mistrust and resentment.

Alaina sharing her moving story, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

Alaina sharing her moving story, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

Alaina admitted to lying about the will's existence to avoid conflict, a decision that became a point of contention when her sister accused her of deceit and blamed her for estrangement from their grandmother.


Alaina defended herself, denying that she had never discouraged her sister from reconnecting with their grandmother and suggesting she was empathizing with her sister's feelings. The confrontation revealed Alaina's sister's manipulative behavior, a pattern Alaina had not previously challenged.


In a moment of assertiveness, Alaina stood firm, rejecting her sister's gaslighting tactics. The exchange led to a significant fallout, with her sister resorting to harsh language and ending their communication abruptly.

As Alaina's story unfolded in a TikTok video shared in January 2023, she made a definitive decision regarding the inheritance, opting not to share it with her sister.

This decision was based not on spite but on a principle Alaina cherished—if roles were reversed, she would not expect a share of an inheritance from a relative with whom she had no communication, highlighting the stark differences in their perspectives and values.


Alaina also clarified the inheritance's extent, dispelling any notions of a vast fortune. The legacy consisted of a 2007 model car and an old house from the '50s, symbolizing sentimental rather than monetary value and emphasizing emotional connections over financial gain.

Despite the rift caused by the inheritance and preceding events, Alaina expressed her willingness to support her sister in the future, should she seek reconciliation and apologize.

In a touching update shared in January 2024, Alaina explored the complex dynamics of her family and the aftermath of her grandmother's passing. Her grandmother's explicit wish that her six children not attend her funeral was a directive Alaina chose to honor, despite potential familial backlash.


This decision highlighted the deep rifts within the family, which Alaina's grandma addressed in a note discovered by Alaina while cleaning her grandma's house. Penned in 2002, the note revealed the reasons behind the grandmother's decision to exclude her children from her will.

According to the decades-old note, one of grandma's children lied to her, saying they had cancer. Another allegedly said they would dance on her grave when she died. Though Alaina couldn't assert that her grandma was flawless as a person or a mother, she was certain about one thing–the constant love and care she and her sister received from their grandmother.

Alaina explaining why her grandma left everything to her in her will, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

Alaina explaining why her grandma left everything to her in her will, as seen in a video dated December 2, 2022 | Source: TikTok/alaina_plzz

Alaina described her grandmother as a sensitive and lonely figure who valued the sporadic connections with her grandchildren. Out of approximately twenty grandkids, only Alaina and her sister maintained a relationship with her.


Alaina noted that inheriting her grandmother's estate did not significantly change her life. She gifted the car to one of her grandma's friends and invested the house's proceeds into a savings account. However, the enduring silence between Alaina and her sister since their grandmother's death marks the lasting impact of the family's deep-seated issues.


Alaina's story sparked debate within the online community. While some supported her choice, others criticized her for prioritizing money over her relationship with her sister.

One user wrote, "Your grandmother left it to you because she wanted you to have it and you were the only one that has cared about her so it's yours." Another user suggested, "No, do not split it. If, your sister had every opportunity to have a relationship with grandma but she chose not to."

"I would choose my sister over money any day," divulged another person. "I would share with my sister. Maybe not half, but some. Money is the root of all evil," declared yet another netizen.

In your opinion, should the woman share the inheritance with her sister or stand her ground? What would you do in her situation?