I Left My Girlfriend When I Found Out That She Was Pregnant – Some People Blame Me, Others Support Me

A young man took to Reddit to find out if he was wrong for leaving his pregnant girlfriend of seven years after his family and friends criticized him for it.


A man recently sparked a debate on Reddit when he asked if he was wrong for breaking up with his pregnant girlfriend. Users shared their views.

Frustrated young man surrounded by moving boxes | Source: Shutterstock

Frustrated young man surrounded by moving boxes | Source: Shutterstock

In a tale that has sparked a firestorm of debate across social media, a 25-year-old man shared his controversial decision to leave his girlfriend of seven years upon discovering she was pregnant. The story, originally posted on Reddit, has divided opinion, with some supporting his choice and others vehemently opposing it.

Silhoutted man and woman arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Silhoutted man and woman arguing | Source: Shutterstock


The man, who remained anonymous, detailed how he and his girlfriend had discussed their future and expressly agreed on not having children. Although his girlfriend wanted to be a mother, she told him that she was just happy to be with him.

Despite precautions, including the use of condoms and birth control pills, one day his girlfriend presented him with news of her pregnancy, a revelation that would change the course of their relationship.

Pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Pregnant woman crying | Source: Shutterstock

Upon further conversation, it was disclosed that his girlfriend had unilaterally decided to stop taking her birth control and had tampered with the condoms to conceive as she had begun thinking of children a few weeks before. She told him the thought of having their child made her so happy


This breach of trust led the man to end the relationship immediately. He was silent or a while, and then told his girlfriend to get out of his house and never to talk to him again. This decision met with mixed reactions from their families and social circles.

Man and woman arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Man and woman arguing | Source: Shutterstock

The man's mother called him later, yelling at him for treating his pregnant girlfriend so badly. He also received calls from mutual friends and his girlfriend's family members, telling him that he was wrong for breaking up with her. The only people on the man's side were his brother and sister.

Having so many people criticize him for his decision left the man feeling confused, so he turned to Reddit users to ask if he was wrong for the way he handled the situation. He quickly received many comments on his post with both messages of criticism and support.

Mother and son aruging | Source: Shutterstock

Mother and son aruging | Source: Shutterstock

Some people thought the man was well within his rights to break up with the girl after she has deceived him. However, others thought he was being too harsh and should have handled the situation differently.

One person said it was okay for him to break up with someone who had tampered with birth control and joked, "When people complain to you, don't tell them "she betrayed my trust", tell them "she poked holes in my condoms". Tell people you can't be with someone who pokes holes in your condoms."

Man crying and pinching the bridge of his nose | Source: Shutterstock

Man crying and pinching the bridge of his nose | Source: Shutterstock


One woman said that she thought if the woman had deceived the man into parenthood, she should take full responsibility for the child and that he should not have to pay any child support because he was unaware that there was a possibility of pregnancy.

A user was shocked to learn that the man's mother had taken his girlfriend's side and shared that they had not spoken to their mother for a year after they learned that she had been secretly speaking to their ex. The person emphasized that family loyalty was of the utmost importance.

Frustrated man with his hands on his head | Source: Shutterstock

Frustrated man with his hands on his head | Source: Shutterstock

While he received support from some, there were others who bombarded him with questions, one of which was why, if he didn't want children, he had not had a vasectomy. He clarified that he couldn't afford one and didn't think he would need it because he had been with his girlfriend for seven years and trusted her enough not to do something like this.


He also admitted that he could now see that the relationship should have ended when he learned that he and his girlfriend had differing opinions on children, but he was young and in love and didn't think that something like this would ever happen to him. The man shared that it was hurtful some didn't think his story was true, but was grateful to those who had offered him support.

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