3 Bridezillas Get Healthy Doses of Unplanned Karma

Weddings can be stressful, but they can be even more unbearable for those dealing with a mean bride. Here are three interesting stories about brides who got their dose of karma after being horrible br


Weddings can be stressful, but they can be even more unbearable for those dealing with a mean bride. Here are three interesting stories about brides who got their dose of karma after being horrible bridezillas.


Weddings are about making the bride's big day feel special and ensuring she's happy at all costs, but dealing with a bridezilla might make it difficult. These three Redditors shared some of their bridezilla horror stories and the karma that came back to bite the brides.

1. "Nice Slice of Karma"

A 24-year-old woman decided to dye her hair emerald green just a month before her soon-to-be sister-in-law's wedding. The bride was yet to discover her new hair color, and the Redditor knew it would aggravate her, but she had her reasons.

A woman with green hair | Source: Reddit.com/HairDye

A woman with green hair | Source: Reddit.com/HairDye

When OP first met the bride, she had only been dating her fiance for two weeks. OP announced her engagement that day, but the bride decided to take center stage. She announced that she was also planning an engagement and wanted OP to be a bridesmaid. It was all odd for OP because that was their first encounter.


Throughout the wedding planning, the bride-to-be had been rude and unkind to some of the people at her wedding. Firstly, the Original Poster mentioned that the bride was Mormon and OP was raised Catholic.

However, the woman had been pushing her to convert, making comments about her visiting a temple and why her church was better. Secondly, the bride had been body-shaming one of her other soon-to-be sisters-in-law.

She told the sister to "slim down a bit" and bought her a size medium dress because she thought it would be an excellent way to motivate her to reach her goal. The comments brought the sister to tears, but OP revealed the bride wore an XL.

A woman crying on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

A woman crying on the phone | Source: Shutterstock


When the bridal shower was being planned, OP expressed that she worked full-time and would need at least a two-week notice to be able to attend. Still, she received an invitation to the bridal shower the day before it was meant to happen.

The Redditor told the bride that she would not be able to make it, but she texted two of OP's sisters and told them she did not understand why OP was excluding herself. Fortunately, the family members understood where the Redditor was coming from.

A family having dinner | Source: Shutterstock

A family having dinner | Source: Shutterstock

In another incident, the bride made mean remarks about OP' ’s relationship with her partner. She mentioned that they had been dating for two years and living together, but the bride kept telling her they were living in sin and blamed OP for removing her partner from his faith.


The issue of faith was a sore topic for OP's partner because he had a rough childhood. OP tried to bring it up with the bride and tell her to be more mindful of what she said, but the comments never stopped.

A proposal | Source: Shutterstock

A proposal | Source: Shutterstock

But fast forward to the weekend, when the bride finally got to see OP's new hair color. She was greeted by a displeased look from the groom-to-be. When the bride saw her, she also tried to contain her anger but quickly asked if OP would keep the hair for her wedding, to which she responded, "Of course!! I did it just for you, sweetheart!"

Throughout the dinner, the bride's body language exposed her anger. She and her husband-to-be even left the dinner early, and as soon as she got home, she called her other sister-in-law, expressing how much she hated OP' ’s hair and wanted to figure out a way to exclude her from the wedding.

A bride shouting on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

A bride shouting on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

Little did she know that the sister-in-law was all in on the plan. The sister said to her, "You're kinda being crazy over hair," and it only made the bride angrier. OP and the sister shared a good laugh from the whole thing, but the Redditor was patiently waiting to be disinvited from the wedding.

2. "A Healthy Dose of Unplanned Karma"

A husband shared how his wife dealt with her bridezilla friend. He explained that his wife was asked to be the bridesmaid, but the wedding was postponed after the groom suffered a severe injury.

A man in the hospital | Source: Shutterstock

A man in the hospital | Source: Shutterstock


The groom was a firefighter who fell through a floor to save a baby. Fortunately, the baby came out of the incident with no scratches, but the firefighter broke both his legs and ribs. He had to be put in an induced coma because breathing would have been too painful.

While the wedding was postponed, the Redditor's wife fell pregnant with their first child. When she was close to giving birth, the bride had started planning her bachelorette party. She wanted it to be in Vegas, but OP's wife already told her she was uncomfortable flying to Vegas just days before giving birth.

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

A pregnant woman | Source: Shutterstock

The baby arrived early, but the couple never received a congratulatory message from the bride. Instead, she thought it was great that the baby was born because the new mother could party with her in Vegas.


However, the mother told her she did not feel comfortable leaving her newborn baby for Vegas and informed her that she could not attend her bachelorette party. The bride called her a "party-pooper," but the wife stood by her decision.

In the meantime, the bride spread lies about the wife, telling everyone that she was trying to get the rest of the bridesmaids to pull out of the trip because she wanted the party to be closer to her. But the mother explained to the maid of honor that it was not true; she simply did not want to attend because she had just had a baby.

A mother with her newborn baby | Source: Shutterstock

A mother with her newborn baby | Source: Shutterstock

In the few days leading up to the Vegas trip, more bridesmaids heard the bride was gossiping about them behind their backs, calling them cheap. So, on the night they were meant to fly out, six bridesmaids showed up at the Redditor's door with diapers and gifts for the baby.


Four of the bridesmaids were friends with the bride and the new mother, but the other two were coworkers and were unfamiliar with the Redditor. OP and his wife were disinvited from the wedding, and only the bride, her sister, and cousin went to Vegas.

A woman holding a basket full of gifts | Source: Shutterstock

A woman holding a basket full of gifts | Source: Shutterstock

In the end, they became close friends with the two coworkers. The bride ended up leaving her firefighter husband after he got injured again. Fortunately, the firefighter found love again and became a proud father to twin boys and twin girls.

3. The 25-year friendship.

A woman said her friend of over 25 years got engaged to her boyfriend after four months of dating. Many were skeptical about the engagement, but the Redditor gave the relationship the benefit of the doubt.

A woman looking frustrated while on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

A woman looking frustrated while on the phone | Source: Shutterstock

A few months before the wedding, OP also got engaged. Her friend did not even ask to be part of her wedding, which she found suspicious. But it does not end there. OP's fiance found out his grandmother was close to the end, and he was closer to her than his mother.


So he suggested he and the Redditor go to England to spend the rest of her days with her. This was also around when the bride was having her bachelorette party. But the dates of the party and her wedding had yet to be confirmed when OP made plans to be in England.

Save the date card | Source: Shutterstock

Save the date card | Source: Shutterstock


However, both events fell on the days she would have been in England. So OP called the bride to explain her situation, but she sulked and told her she was ruining her wedding. The Redditor apologized and promised to make it up to her after her wedding, but the bride hung up in her ear.

OP thought it was best to give her time to cool off, but before she could check back in with her, she heard from her best friends that everyone got a handwritten note inviting them to the wedding, but OP never received it.

Her other friends were invited to the bachelorette party, and the bride made sure to host it in their town so they did not have an excuse not to attend. But the weird part was that the bride never said a word to those friends the entire night.

An angry bride | Source: Shutterstock

An angry bride | Source: Shutterstock


Everything about how the wedding went down was weird for OP, but she later realized that she was grateful not to have such a person as a friend anymore. It hurt to lose 25 years of friendship, but she felt it was for the best. "Best part? Everyone hated her wedding: terrible food, terrible DJ, and disorganization like crazy. I never wish ill upon anyone, but damn, am I amused. Phew!" She wrote.