I Suspect My MIL Is Snooping through My Personal Things, So I’ve Prepared a Spicy Trap to Finally Expose Her

Family dynamics can be tricky, especially when boundaries are blurred. A young woman, suspecting her mother-in-law of snooping, devised a clever plan to catch her in the act.


Family dynamics can be tricky, especially when boundaries are blurred. A young woman, suspecting her mother-in-law of snooping, devised a clever plan to catch her in the act.

A woman looking outside the window | Source: Pexels

A woman looking outside the window | Source: Pexels

In April 2022, a 27-year-old female Reddit user shared a story involving her mother-in-law (MIL), who often crossed personal boundaries. The Original Poster (OP) had been married to her 32-year-old husband for four years, and they shared a 3-year-old son.

OP revealed that they had decided not to have any more children. Since making that choice, she told her spouse that she would like to undergo cosmetic surgery to enhance her breasts.

A young woman wearing a strapless top, showing her cleavage | Source: Pexels

A young woman wearing a strapless top, showing her cleavage | Source: Pexels


However, this decision seemed to fuel her mother-in-law's (MIL) disapproval and suspicions, leading to a strained relationship marked by criticism and invasive behavior.

The MIL, described as overbearing due to her son being her only child, escalated her intrusive actions after OP's surgery. She made derogatory comments about her daughter-in-law's appearance and choice of clothing, insinuating that the surgery was for male validation outside of her marriage. OP expressed:

"Oof, it's like I wrote in my forehead 'LOOK AT MY BOOBS, I WANT TO CHEAT ON MY HUSBAND.'"

A woman posing in a black top and denim jeans | Source: Pexels

A woman posing in a black top and denim jeans | Source: Pexels

The situation took a turn when the MIL commented on a specific set of lingerie, which OP knew she could not have seen unless she had been snooping through her belongings.


This incident solidified OP's suspicions that her privacy was being violated. "That's what stung me because, how could she know? I suspected she was going in my drawers, but my husband told me that she could never," OP recalled.

A close-up of a woman's side view | Source: Pexels

A close-up of a woman's side view | Source: Pexels

OP asked her MIL how she knew what kind of lingerie she had, and the in-law said, "'he saw it in the washing machine, but I prefer to wash my sets by hand so the lace last[s] longer."

In an attempt to confirm her suspicions, OP devised a plan. She strategically placed intimate items and a letter from her husband in a drawer, suspecting her MIL would eventually discover them. OP said:

"When I was restocking my drawers, I used one in my vanity to put all of my husband's and mine's sex toys, a few sets, and a dirty letter he wrote to me once."

A photo of a vanity table below a round mirror | Source: Pexels

A photo of a vanity table below a round mirror | Source: Pexels

The trap was set, and the MIL visited the couple's home a few times but said nothing. OP admitted she felt guilty for accusing her. However, it wasn't long before the MIL, accompanied by her daughter, inadvertently revealed her snooping habits during a visit to their house. Amid the mother-and-daughter duo's visit, OP and her husband were in the kitchen cooking for them. OP explained what happened next, writing:

"We heard my MIL calling us and when we went to our room they were standing next to my open drawer, I just snorted, looked at my husband, and said 'See? She snoops.''"

OP shared that her husband's face turned red, and he started berating his mother and sister. The confrontation that ensued left no room for doubt about the MIL's actions, leading to a heated exchange and her subsequent departure with the sister-in-law (SIL), with both labeling OP as "indecent."

A man and a woman arguing | Source: Pexels

A man and a woman arguing | Source: Pexels

The incident's aftermath left OP's husband in a difficult position, torn between his wife and his family. He expressed frustration towards OP for setting the trap, suggesting that apologies were needed from all parties involved to mend the rift.

OP turned to Reddit to validate her actions, admitting she might be at fault for setting the trap without informing her husband first. Still, some people stated she was well within her right to act against the MIL.

A woman sitting near the window with legs crossed | Source: Pexels

A woman sitting near the window with legs crossed | Source: Pexels


"NTA, you kept your stuff in your drawer in your house. If you go looking through someone else's stuff, you can't complain about what you find," said one person. Another commented"NTA. People went through your dresser - your private space — without permission for the purpose of shaming and/or embarrassing you. You did not set a trap. People should expect a level of privacy in their own homes."


Was OP wrong for setting a trap for the MIL? Did the MIL and the SIL overstep? What would you have done if you were in OP's position?

Enjoyed the read? Here's another story about a woman who came home one day to find her mother-in-law performing a strange ritual in her bedroom.