My Partner Vanished from the Restaurant on Our 3rd Anniversary as Soon as the Bill Arrived

A three-year anniversary dinner that was meant to help a couple rekindle their romance turned into one of the worst nights. The girlfriend shared the story on Reddit and her reader had a few words of


A three-year anniversary dinner that was meant to help a couple rekindle their romance turned into one of the worst nights. The girlfriend shared the story on Reddit and her readers had a few words of advice.


A Reddit user shared a story about her disastrous three-year anniversary dinner with her boyfriend, Jeremy. The 26-year-old girlfriend mentioned that she had been the main provider in the relationship since her family was wealthier than his single mother.

A working woman | Source: Shutterstock

A working woman | Source: Shutterstock

She paid for most of their experiences, like going out for dinner, shopping sprees, vacations, and more. She even bought him a car in the first three months of their relationship because she noticed it was difficult for him to get to his interviews.

But it had been two and half years since Jeremy last had a job. He noticed everything his girlfriend was doing for him and expressed gratitude. He even promised to pay her back once he landed a job.

A couple arguing | Source: Shutterstock

A couple arguing | Source: Shutterstock

Although Jeremy seemed proud to have a girlfriend that provided for both of them, the Redditor did not feel he contributed much. He spent his days at the gym, going out with friends, or playing video games.

The original poster (OP) raised her concerns about his lack of contribution, which turned into a big argument. Eventually, Jeremy calmed down and apologized. He told his girlfriend he had found a part-time job but forgot to mention it.

He then offered to make it up to her with a nice dinner for their third anniversary. This was also meant to be his way of thanking the OP for being an amazing and supportive girlfriend.

A couple on a dinner date | Source: Shutterstock

A couple on a dinner date | Source: Shutterstock


The long-awaited anniversary dinner came, and the couple treated themselves to a high-end restaurant. The night was going well until the waiter brought the bill. Her boyfriend excused himself after he said he had left his wallet in the car. He promised he would be back in a few minutes, but an hour passed, and the Redditor decided to pay the bill and go home.

A person holding a bill

A person holding a bill

Later in the night, she called Jeremy. He apologized for leaving and said something came up, so he chose to leave. The girlfriend mentioned that this was not the first time something like this had happened, "I told him that I feel like I was being used and that it was over." she wrote.

A woman waiting alone at a restaurant  | Source: Shutterstock

A woman waiting alone at a restaurant | Source: Shutterstock


The OP was angry. She threw Jeremy's stuff out of her apartment and did not let him back into the house. The boyfriend did not have enough money for a hotel or to take a taxi to his mother's place, so he had to sleep on the streets.

People in the comments section were surprised that OP was still dating Jeremy after everything she had done for him. So one Redditor told her, "Please hold your ground and stay separated." More netizens insinuated that the boyfriend was using her. "Do NOT get back with him," emphasized another Reddit user.

An angry woman throwing a pillow | Source: Shutterstock

An angry woman throwing a pillow | Source: Shutterstock

The readers believed the OP deserved someone who would put just as much effort into the relationship and one who saw more than just her money. From their perspective, Jeremy only used her for his personal benefit.


The OP addressed some of the comments on gender roles. Some people said if the roles were reversed, it would have been a criminal offense to let a woman sleep on the streets. However, the OP explained that she was aware of this and felt bad for what she did.

A man looking sad with flowers scattered on the ground | Source: Shutterstock

A man looking sad with flowers scattered on the ground | Source: Shutterstock

But she clarified that she simply came to Reddit to let out her frustrations. This was one of many events in her relationship, so there was more to their partnership than the bits she had shared. In the end, the OP admitted that she did not know where she and Jeremy would end up.


What would you have done if you were in the OP's position? Do you think the girlfriend was harsh to let her boyfriend sleep on the streets?